
Top Essential Penetration Testing Tools

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Top Essential Penetration Testing Tools

The e-commerce industry has improved dramatically in recent times with advances in information technology that enable many more people to interact and transact on the Internet. Nowadays, a huge number of businesses are focusing on their websites as their main source of income. Therefore, the priority is to ensure the security of such web platforms.

First, an Internet business owner or e-commerce person needs to understand the similarities and differences between vulnerability assessment and penetration testing in order to make an informed decision about which is best. It is worth not forgetting that testing can be carried out through specialists While the vulnerability assessment and penetration testing tools are complementary, there are some differences in their purpose.

Best Pen-Testing Tools

Acunetix Scanner

Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner – A powerful vulnerability scanner that includes the ability to exploit Blind SQL injection vulnerabilities, brute-force attacks. It is also worth noting that Acunetix has developed a system of web application testing profiles, which means that you can designate a scope (a list of tested components), thereby optimizing the scanning process. In our experience, Acunetix gives very few false positives.

As a bonus, Acunetix has a powerful scan reporting tool.


A valuable set of utilities that will allow you to work within other people’s wireless networks. The service is very easy to use thanks to the step-by-step instructions. The set of utilities works on the basis of WPA / WPA2 interception. The program is also capable of working with windows and perfectly scans the network. It is also excellent at monitoring network packets, as well as analyzing the strength of Wi-Fi and passwords.


Browser Exploitation Framework is a framework for exploiting XSS vulnerabilities, it contains a large number of exploits and other useful functions, and also has a modular structure. The purpose of this framework is to exploit browser vulnerabilities on the client-side. It is a powerful professional security tool. BeEF masters techniques that provide an experienced penetration tester with practical client-side attack vectors. Unlike other security frameworks, BeEF focuses on browser vulnerabilities to assess the security level of a target. The project is being developed exclusively for legitimate research and penetration testing.


Metasploit gives you the ability to track when existing vulnerabilities turn into risks as you test different ways to protect your network. With Metasploit, IT professionals gain a visual understanding of which vulnerabilities in the enterprise infrastructure can be exploited by malicious components to focus on the most critical and important risks. Metasploit simulates an attack on a network and thus identifies its security problems, can integrate with Nexpose – a vulnerability management system – to analyze existing risks, assess available methods of protection against attacks and intrusion control tools, and, finally, determine the vulnerability to phishing and confidential leaks. data.


Netsparker is an excellent web application for security scanning. Just point it to your site and it will automatically detect defects that might bother you. Can handle large-scale transactions, uses automation to check for false positives.


Wireshark is a very popular and extremely skillful network protocol analyzer. The main advantage of Wireshark is that it is a graphical application. Collecting data and inspecting network traffic in the user interface is very handy, as it allows you to deal with complex network data.

Burp Suite Pen Tester

Burp Suite is a web application security audit platform. Contains tools for mapping a web application, finding files and folders, modifying queries, fuzzing, guessing passwords, and much more.


Keeping websites secure is challenging, but with penetration testing tools that make it easy to understand which locations are vulnerable, you can reduce the risks associated with doing business online. Try the tools outlined in this article to help protect your online business. Also, do not forget that testing can also be carried out with the help of specialists

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