
Benefits of CISSP Certification for IT Professionals

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Benefits of CISSP Certification for IT Professionals

Plenty of professionals can improve their career prospects with the help of a recognized certification, and IT specialists are no different.

This is where the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) program comes into play, granting those who complete it a range of benefits in their chosen field. Let’s look at what these advantages are, to better appreciate why CISSP certification is worth pursuing.

Higher Salaries are on the Horizon

After you complete CISSP training online, your annual earnings could increase significantly above the average, specifically because the skills you acquire in order to gain certification are very valuable to employers of all shapes and sizes.

In particular, it is the cyber security aspects of CISSP training that give certified pros the edge, enabling them to get raises in their current roles or seek more lucrative jobs with new employers.

A Good Grounding for Future Progression

While this type of certification is advantageous on its own, it is not the final step on your path to improved employability, but rather the first part of a journey to seniority that will span an entire career.

Once you have become a CISSP, you will then be able to move on to yet more certifications, perhaps focusing more on the type of role you’d like to aim for, whether that might be in IT management, as a software engineer, or even a systems architect.

No matter what you hope to achieve as an IT professional, the CISSP certification is the foundation on which you can build a rewarding career.

Getting to Grips with the State of Cyber Security

Understanding cyber security is important for all IT pros, and this certification delivers on the promise of endowing participants with a broad range of knowledge that is bang up to date with current threats and trends.

It’s not just about looking at the separate elements which go together to make up the cyber security landscape but also connecting the dots to appreciate where these aspects intersect with one another, and what that means for businesses.

Catching the Eye of Recruiters

It doesn’t matter how much experience you’ve accrued or how many problems you’ve solved in your previous roles; unless you have a resume that is easily identifiable as outstanding, you might not get a chance to prove yourself at the interview stage of the recruitment process.

Conversely, if you can state clearly and confidently that you have achieved CISSP certification, then this will instantly ingratiate you with prospective employers, and prevent you from being tossed straight into the ‘no’ pile.

Part of the reason that this certification is so useful in a recruitment context is that in order to be eligible for it in the first place, participants must have at least four years of paid experience in a cyber security role. So in effect, it is shorthand for identifying yourself as a seasoned veteran, rather than an ambitious but underprepared greenhorn.

Entering into an International Community

Over 140,000 people are part of the community which is made up of CISSP certified professionals, and being part of this global club gives you certain perks and privileges,, including access to useful resources as well as invites to industry events and more besides.

So in summary, there are a lot of good reasons to take the plunge and train to acquire a certification of this kind.

If you are an IT professional with the right background and experience, it should really be a no-brainer. Afterward, your improved pay packet and career prospect will justify the work you need to get certified.

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