
Features That Make A Laptop Great

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Features That Make A Laptop Great

When it comes to choosing a new laptop, there is a wide range of different features that you can consider. However, there are some that appear right at the top of the list which escalates a laptop from good to great. Let us have a look at a few of these right here and now.

Good Size

The size of your Lenovo laptop should be largely dependent on what you actually plan on doing with it. If it is generally going to stay in one place, you may find that it is fine to invest in a larger model. However, if you are looking for something more lightweight and portable, the smaller option may be the better one. Ultimately, it all comes down to your own individual set of needs and requirements. You also have the option of getting a convertible laptop that can easily switch between tablet and laptop modes.

Screen Quality

In all likelihood, you are going to find yourself staring at your laptop for a significant length of time. With this in mind, you should think about the quality of the screen and how this is going to impact your enjoyment of using your laptop. While you may think it is a good idea to add a touchscreen feature to your laptop, this can end up adding a glossy sheen which can be somewhat off-putting.

Keyboard Quality

A great laptop also has a great quality keyboard – and this is just a given. As well as staring at the screen, the other main activity that you are likely to be doing is tapping away at the keys. Therefore, you do not want to find this uncomfortable in any way. If you can, it is always going to help to try before you buy. This way, you can work out what feels comfortable to your fingers. After all, we are all different and have our own individual set of preferences.


So far, we have just talked about the physical features of the laptop, but you are also likely to want to consider the digital ones as well. In this regard, there are few more important features than the CPU. This will have a significant impact on how well the laptop runs. If you are not sure about this yourself, it is always going to be worth doing some further research on it.


In modern laptops, you should be looking at a minimum of 8 GB of RAM. In all likelihood, you may well find that you need upwards of this – 16, 32, or even higher if you have some highly technical tasks that need to be accomplished such as high-intensity graphic work. Investigate what you think will be most suitable for you.


While many files are largely stored on the cloud these days, you may well find that you still need to consider this as a central feature. The storage size will obviously impact the laptop size or processing power so you may need to reach a compromise between all the features you would like.

A combination of all of these different features will help to make a laptop great. So, it is worth putting all of them on your checklist.

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