
How to Track Your iPhone?

2 Mins read
How to track an iPhone: potential ways.

Technological revolution dictates its own rules of living. Nowadays, everyone has a cell phone because this device became an integral part of our lives. Due to the high popularity of cellphones, marketing wars between the most well-known mobile platforms, Android and Apple, are no surprise.

Every company wants not only to create the best products but also offer unique services to attract the customers. Even academic writers of company complete different scholarly assignments on this topic. For now, an iPhone by Apple is one of the most popular and high-quality cell phones in the world. If you are a happy owner of this device, you should know what to do if you lost it.

Potential Ways of Tracking an iPhone

You can lose your iPhone one day, or it may be stolen, or you may simply not remember where you left it. In all these cases, you need to know how to find your precious device:

iCloud service.

It is one of the most demanded services among iPhone owners. However, not all of them know that it is possible to determine the location of a phone with its help. The process is quite simple even for an ordinary user. All you should do is to go to and log in with your personal ID. In this way, you will be able to track the location of your cell phone online. Remember that this function works only when the device is switched on.

Find my iPhone app.

Another good way to find your lost cell phone by Apple is to use the “Find my iPhone” app. However, you need another Apple device with this app installed, for example, an iPad, or another iPhone. For example, you can use your best friend’s iPhone if possible. In this case, you should start the “Find my iPhone” app on another device, log in as a guest, and add the ID of the lost one. Then, you will see its current location if it still works, or its last location if has been switched off.

Alert notification.

It is possible to lose a cell phone even in your own room. For these cases, all iPhones have a special function of alert notification. It works in a very simple manner: when you send SMS with alert notification, your cell phone starts ringing loudly for two minutes. Certainly, it is enough to find it in the room.

Hopefully, all these ways of tracking an iPhone will make your life a little bit easier. But remember that it is much better not to lose a cell phone at all because in some cases, even these recommendations won’t help you to get your expensive device back.

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