
What Is Express.js? Why Is It So Popular JS Framework?

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What Is Express.js? Why Is It So Popular JS Framework?

Express.js is a web application framework for Node.js (open-source, cross-platform JavaScript run-time environment), Express.js is a free and open-source software under the MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) license. 

Express.js and Node.js gave JavaScript newborn back-end functionality by allowing developers to create software with JavaScript on the server side for the first time. Today entire site can be built with JavaScript. Developers can develop server-side applications with Node.js, and then they can publish Node.js apps (applications) as websites with Express. Express.js is a pretty lightweight framework.

Express.js is a node.js module that is available through the npm registry. Before installing, users must download and install Node.js. Installation of Express is done with npm install command as: 

$ npm install express

Node.js was intended to build websites with the Express framework. Express.js is a pretty lightweight framework, and it is able to coat in built-in structure and functions required to build a site. Express and node together are changing the way developers build websites. Following are some basics about Express.js framework:

  • It is a server-side web and mobile application framework
  • It is written in JavaScript
  • Express.js builds single page, multiple page, and hybrid mobile and web apps
  • Express.js builds common back-end functions for web applications
  • Experss.js builds APIs (Application Programming Interfaces)
  • Express.js comes with two templating engines namely, Jade and EJS, which handle the flow of data into a website structure
  • It supports the Model-View-Controller architecture, a very helpful way to create websites in a model-driven format.
  • Express.js format is Node.js.
  • It is not limited to one Operating System (OS), because it’s cross-platform
  • The Express Generator lets users create complex applications quickly

Express.js is the most popular Node.js web application framework that is used today. Express.js is quick, not opinionated, and minimalist web framework for node. Express.js provides a wide range of functions for building single-page, multiple-page, and hybrid web apps. Development of websites and apps have become simple with Express.js framework. 

Numerous members of Expresss.js community say that it is a good, thoughtful, and powerful tool. Express.js provides a thin layer on top of Node.js with web application features like routing, middleware, template engine, and static file serving so that the radical I/O (Input/Output) performance of Node.js does not get compromised. Express.js lets users build their application with their own preferences. This is especially advantageous when creating a novel personal project with no historical burden, but as the developing team grows, lack of standardization may lead to extra work for project management, and in the worst case scenario; it may lead to the inability to maintain.

Express.js has a generator that generates specific folder structure. After installing express-generator npm (package manager for Node.js packages) package and creating a skeleton with generator command, an application folder with clear hierarchy will be made to aid you to manage front-end static JavaScript, stylesheet files, images, and also HTML template files. An Express application is basically Node.js with a host of middleware functions, where you will take advantage of the built-in middlewares of the framework.

Express has made the process natural and intuitive. Express-generator makes use of Pug (that is originally known as ‘Jade’) template engine by default, and other options like Mustache and EJS also work with Express flawlessly. Express does not consider database integration as a needed aspect within its package, thus it leans toward no specific database usage of any kind.

Koa (a framework) is also developed by the same team that designed express, and it looks very similar to Express.js. Koa is also lightweight and not opinionated like Express. Meteor (a framework for web, mobile, and desktop) is an all-in-one JavaScript framework, and it is different from Express and Koa, and defines itself as a full-stack framework.

Sails.js (another framework) shares many similarities with Express. Project generator, middleware, and templating engine are the things what Sails.js is. It is in fact built on top of Express.js for some higher level functionalities to speed up development. Sails.js focuses on the server side logic, it is production ready, and it provides a faster developing pace than Express.

Strong routing, focus on high performance, super-high test coverage, HTTP helpers (redirection, catching etc.), view system supporting 14+ template engines, content negotiation, and executable for generating applications quickly are features of Express.js.

No doubt, Express.js is a very popular framework that allows programmers to manage everything, from routes to handling requests and views. There are modules (most notably connect-redis) that work with Express.js.

Express.js is an actual standard server framework for node.js. Several popular Node.js frameworks are built on Express. Why is there a need for Express.js? Express adds dead simple routing and support for connect (a middleware layer for Node.js), allowing many extensions and useful features.

Express.js is a famous framework, and it works with Node.js. Express.js is a free and open software under MIT license. Express is a lightweight framework, and it is a module that is available through npm registry. JavaScript. Developers can develop server-side applications with Node.js, and then they can publish Node.js apps (applications) as websites with Express. 

Express.js is a pretty lightweight framework. Node.js was originally intended to build websites with the Express framework. Express and Node together are changing the way developers build websites. Express is a server-side web and application framework, and it is written in JavaScript.

Express.js is cross-platform, and the Express Generator allows users to create complex applications quickly. Express is a fast, not opinionated, and minimalist framework for node. 

Users of Express think that it is a good, thoughtful, and powerful tool for coming up with web and mobile-based apps. Express generator generates specific folder structure. Koa, another framework is very similar to Express.js in design. Sails.js (a framework) also shares many similarities with Express.js; however, it is created on top of Express.js for higher-level functionalities. 
Some of the features of Express.js are as follows: 
  1. robust routing, 
  2. super-high test coverage, 
  3. HTTP helpers, and 
  4. content negotiation. 
In short, Express.js is a popular choice among programmers when they want to come up with standout mobile and web applications.

Kelly Dillon is a programmer. He has experience of 5 years in Programming, and he has command over various programming languages. He often writes articles on Programming, he also provide homework writing service to his students. He works in software house where he creates multiple software on Programs. For more you call follow him on Facebook and Twitter.

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