
10 Best Personal Finance Software

3 Mins read
Best Personal Finance Software

In an age filled with debt and uncertainty, it’s more important than ever to manage our finances responsibly. Thankfully, we don’t exactly have to rely on an abacus anymore in order to take responsibility of our financial situations (just kidding). With several different software options out there, taking control of your money and using it wisely is easier than ever before. Of course, with so many different options, picking the right finance software for your needs can be a
somewhat difficult task. With that in mind,finance software on the market.


In addition to offering apps for your Apple or Android device, Mint also offers many excellent tools. Not only can you connect it to just about any type of financial account, but you can also categorize your spending and follow wherever your money goes. If that wasn’t a good enough reason to try out Mint, the fact that it’s free doesn’t hurt, either!


It’s hard to go wrong with one of the classics. Quicken has been around for quite a while, but they still offer one of the most excellent examples of financial software on the market. Made by Intuit, you can rest assured that this will always work with their other popular software, TurboTax.


Offering several different methods for organizing and reading through your finances, AceMoney is one of the best options out there. With the ability to make categories and subcategories to organize your information, AceMoney is very customizable. They also offer great security,support and a plethora of other helpful features.


You Need a Budget is financial software that has a lot of good advice just in the title! Although it is one of the more expensive choices for this type of software, it is also one of the best. Unlike other personal finance software out there, this one will actually take you through the steps of creating a budget and sticking to it. For beginners, this is a must have, and could be seen as an entry point in the market of finance software.


Much like Mint and other financial software, MoneyDance offers online banking and budgeting through many different institutions. Designed to look more like a checkbook, this might be preferable for those who are more familiar with old school finances. While others may find it less intuitive, it’s still one of the most reliable forms of personal finance software available.


Although it’s not exactly designed to help organize all of your personal finances, OfficeTime is a must for any freelancer or business owner. By keeping track of billable hours as they occur, you can use this software to gather the data needed to plug into other financial software and maintain an accurate, organized financial budget.

Level Money

While software like MoneyDance might be aimed at crowds who prefer a more traditional form of money management, Level Money is definitely designed for simplicity and ease of use. Like Mint, it is free to use, and it allows you to keep track of your budget. Unfortunately, unlike Mint, you can’t necessarily see everything that you’re spending money on. Regardless, it’s still an excellent bit of personal finance software.


This software combines the best of both worlds, offering a simplistic design that is still quite traditional. With large buttons along the top, you’ll always know just where to go in order to find specific information. This financial software also comes with personal investment section allowing you to manage your investments as well.


If you’re looking for a way to organize your finances, but you’re wary of connecting it with your financial institutions, GnuCash is an excellent option. Not only is it free, but it is also open source and compatible with pretty much any platform. While it may not have some of the bells and whistles of the other personal finance software on this list, it offers a fairly open design that allows you to control how you use it.


Unlike other software on this list, BudgetSimple actually analyzes your personal finances and gives you a budget planner based on your needs. If it wasn’t easy enough to create your own budget, this personal finance software can at least give you some ideas of where to start.

Whether you need something with great connectivity or you just want something that is both affordable and easy, even beginners will find something worth their time on this list. If you’ve been avoiding budgeting and working on your personal finances, there’s never been a better time to try out some of the latest personal finance software and start making better decisions with your money.

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