
WordPress vs Joomla CMS Comparison

3 Mins read
Wordpress vs Joomla

If creating a mind-blowing website for your business is on your mind, then you might be wondering as to which CMS(Content Management System) would turn to be your best choice. Well, with the availability of numerous CMSs in the web market, it is obvious to get confused about the best one. The reality is that there’s no one-size-fits-all solution for choosing the Content Management System(CMS) for your website. It all depends on your business goals, budget, technical expertise and the exactly what you want your site to do. If you’re looking for building a simple blog or a brochure website then WordPress could be the best bet. Likewise, for the more complex website, choosing Drupal would turn to be the right decision. Finally, if you’re looking for something between simple and complex, then Joomla is your best fit. So, combating all your confusions, I’m writing this post which will enable you to make the right choice between Joomla and WordPress CMSs.

I recommend you to also checkout WordPress vs Drupal and Joomla vs Drupal.

Joomla vs WordPress for beginners

Joomla vs WordPress vs Drupal Google Trend

As you may see from Google trend snapshot above, WordPress is most popular of all CMS. Specially for beginners, it leads due to ease of use and simple learning curve.

If you are a beginner at web technology and still learning. The best CMS for you will be a hosted WordPress solution to get started. It does not require a lot of skill to start a wordpress blog or a website and there is plenty of help available on web and Google.

However, in long run as well as for people with little more skill Joomla may prove a good option for variety of reasons.

Joomla CMS

History of Joomla

Released in the year 2005, Joomla offers a middle-ground between developer-oriented capabilities of Drupal and the complex website development options available in WordPress. Having witnessed more than 30 million downloads till date, Joomla has emerged as a fabulous open source content management system that’s being used by web developers all over the world.

Advantages of Joomla CMS

Let me walk you through some noticeable advantages of Joomla:

  • Strong Social Networking Features

    Specially designed to perform as a community platform, Joomla CMS has worked as a brilliant option for people who’re looking forward to build social networking websites, online forums etc.

  • Bestowed With SEO-friendly Features

    Joomla CMS is loaded with absolutely amazing SEO-friendly features that make way for creation of websites that have the potential of ranking high on all major search engine results pages. These SEO-friendly features also render a perfect look to your website.

  • Loaded With Multiple Extensions

    Joomla CMS is packed with multiple extensions such as templates, languages, components, plug-ins and modules. This makes it convenient for the web developers to work on varied web development projects.

Disadvantages of Joomla CMS

And now, some visible disadvantages of Joomla CMS that will encourage you to avoid the same:

  • Limited Scope Of Customization

    With Joomla CMS, web developers find it tedious to add customization into their projects. Also, the big learning curve makes the entire process even more daunting.

  • Can’t Be Handled By Simple Or Small Websites

    Since Joomla CMS can’t be handled by simple or small websites, it definitely isn’t the best option for people who’re looking forward to build less complex web portals.

WordPress CMS

History of WordPress

Released in the year 2003, WordPress is an outstanding CMS that has witnessed more than 140 million downloads till date. As one of the finest open source content management systems, WordPress has been chosen by some of the industry biggies including Forbes, CNN, Sony and many more.

WordPress CMS- Advantages

Here’s a list of WordPress advantages that would tempt you to opt for this CMS, without giving a second thought:

Incredible Count Of Free Themes And Plug-ins

One of the greatest advantages of WordPress CMS is that it is rich in plugins and themes. With over 2000 free themes and 27,000+ free plugins, WordPress offers extensive flexibility to web developers with varying levels of expertise.

Easy To Setup

Yet another asset of WordPress that makes it popular among the variety of Content Management Systems is the easy and quick setup. Backed by a user-friendly interface, WordPress enables you to get started with blogging rightaway.

Search Engine Optimization Support

WordPress comes with strong support for your site’s search engine optimization. There are seo-friendly plugins and modules that play a vital role in enhancing your site’s search engine ranking by huge bounds and leaps.

WordPress CMS- Disadvantages

It’s hard to ignore these visible cons of WordPress CMS:

  • Not Suitable For The More Advanced E-commerce Website

    If you’re thinking about building a complex e-store then WordPress CMS is what would turn to be a bad option.

  • Lacks Suitable Security Features

    Unlike the very popular Drupal CMS, WordPress CMS lacks the fine-quality security features that can ascertain the hacker-free status of your website.


With all the three very popular content management systems(CMSs) having their own set of advantages and disadvantages, it is up to to analyze your requirements before settling down for one.

Edward Jones is a web developer who has an inclination towards blogging. As a professional working for OSSMedia Ltd., a Custom WordPress development Services, Edward’s area of expertise is quite vast and covers major CMS platforms like Drupal, WordPress, Joomla and Magento.
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