
How To Track Your Blog SEO Index With Less Time-Consumption

5 Mins read
How To Track Your Blog SEO Index With Less Time-Consumption

A website that ranks better and higher in Search Engine Pages Results (SERPs) definitely rakes in good income for the owner if that is why it is created. After all, who would want to start up an online music instruments store if not to make money, unless it’s a charitable cause? Bloggers need SEO knowledge and I believe this will certainly ring a bell to anyone who is thinking of owning a website where you can publish content and share it with readers across a range of platforms such as social media.

From the onset, everything usually looks easy such as picking on a domain name, buying and customizing URL to getting a company like Hostgator to host your website. All these follow back to back after hiring someone to design a highly React.js website; technically, great user interfaces everyone will fall head over shoulders for. However, all is not always rosy when it comes to ensuring that your blog is ranked among the top trending ones. You may perhaps want to ask why. Well, this post has got answers regarding how to track SEO index for your blog and stay ahead with your keyword research.

Indexing Makes It Easy For Web Crawlers To Locate Your Website

Indexing Makes It Easy For Web Crawlers To Locate Your Website

What Is SEO Index And Why It’s Important

Occasionally, and as part of website auditing, webmasters can help you track the performance of your blog or it’s something you can practically do on your own using a few tools. The aim goes beyond content marketing to include identifying organic traffic channels, backlinking and more.

The mainstay of all these is SEO, an abbreviation for Search Engine Optimization. Right from the start, any blogger has a niche in mind. It could be to write about Education Technology or Travel and Adventure. With this taken into account, the next stage is that you will be hoping to edge out competitor websites in as far Technology in Education is concerned or on matters to do with Travel and Adventure. Now let me narrow down to the former.

Usually, there are keywords about your niche that those who browse the web would be typing as search phrases into search engines. This is where everything starts. If your website is not properly optimized with regard to ideal keywords, chances are that Google spiders/crawlers will ignore your website. In fact, it is often likely for a website that has just been launched. You will have to do more than just submitting it to Google before it becomes findable. Most starters prefer to buy or steal backlinks, something that works. However, it is a practice that is hugely regarded as unethical and may beget some hefty penalties that include delisting of your website from Google Indexes.

Save Time To Track Your Blog SEO Index

So, how do you track your SEO index, taking into account time taken to do it? Finding out what sort of keywords your competitor is using has been made easier with a range of tools including Alexa web ranking strategy. But it doesn’t end there. SEO indexing denotes a website’s database with respect to the value of search words or keywords.

According to Search Metrics, other components of indexing include images, videos, URLs, texts and more. Google uses this information in its algorithm to determine content that best meets user search criteria and intentions. 

In the same breath, the data gathered is used to calculate website ranking and what to display in search display results. The latter includes Metadata, Meta descriptions and website titles. It’s is therefore important that you have your content properly crafted and edited including URLs. Well, you may just need a professional online editing service to help you get along with this without making mistakes.

Take a look at the following tips on how to track your blog SEO index with less time consumption.

The image below summarizes some bits of internal linking of posts to enhance indexing.

Save Time To Track Your Blog SEO Index

Look At Referrals Per Search Engine

The world’s major search engines include Google, Yahoo, and Bing. A combination of the three does very well in countries like the U.S. As a result, most bloggers can get to track their SEO index using page visits via different search Engines. Google is most popular outside of Europe and it counts for most of SEO auditing strategies in those areas.

When using this strategy, it doesn’t stop with finding out which one of the Search Engines generated more traffic. More specifically, it is important to look into how each performed with regard to market share. Another issue to look into when tracking SEO index is how your blog is visible to all the engines. This should be measured against drops in searches. An indication of the uneven drop could mean Google, Bing or Yahoo is penalizing your site for one reason or the other and it’s important to find out what it could be. 

Other times, chances are you are failing somewhere in content optimization. The last and equally important aspect you need to look into with regard to Search Engines referrals is the value of your SEO. This post on Moz provides details on this, but it is noteworthy that keyword usage works well with Yahoo and Bing. On the contrary, hyperlinks, anchor text and backlinks tend to work perfectly with Google.

Blog Visits Generated By Search Phrases And Terms

Another important aspect in tracking the overall SEO index of your blog is to do with Search terms and Phrases typed into different search engines. This strategy furnishes you with important keyword trends and as a result, measuring your performance and blog index is way easier and quicker. Some things to note when using this strategy is that search terms or words that generate less traffic are most likely not properly optimized and it means you have to figure out how to solve the problem even if it means conducting fresh keyword research. 

Nonetheless, it is also necessary to look at the referrals generated by terms other than the main keywords because they could end up being the most valuable in the long. Do not forget to also look at changing demands for keywords with regard to seasons or timelines. This is because trends on the web can dictate that you change to new ones.

Pages And Post That Generate More Traffic By Search Engine

This is one bit you cannot afford to ignore because it is not only less time consuming but also an easy way of finding on what has been indexed by search engines. It is always likely that some pages or post will generate more traffic than others and it is important to use this information the track and measure the overall performance of your blog. Under Behaviour section in Google Analytics, choose all pages to view this information about your SEO report.

Domain/Page Ranking And Authority

This is a strategy that was introduced by Moz. Domain authority comes about by way of link referrals. It is measured out of 100, which means the higher the better. On the other hand, page ranking is a vital component in tracking SEO index. You will notice that some pages are of higher authority thus ranked higher than others. To bring lowly ranked pages at par, have interlinks from the best-performing ones.

In conclusion, employing the right strategy to monitor your blog’s SEO strength and how it is indexed by Search Engines is an integral part of your online business. This is something you should occasionally perform to weed off elements that can pull your blog down.

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