
7 Tips To Win Customers Through Content Marketing

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Tips To Win Customers Through Content Marketing

In the world of expanding digital footprint, it has become necessary to have a killer content marketing strategy to obtain customers. Businesses often fail to understand the vitality of content marketing, thus they fail to succeed with their digital marketing strategies.

As per Content Marketing Institute (CMI), it was proven that 38% of businesses don’t have a documented content marketing strategy so it is not surprising that all their efforts go to waste. Marketers believe that without an engaging content strategy, businesses can’t survive in this ever-competitive and continuously changing the market.

Since we have established that there is a dearth of content marketing strategies, let us look at its demand. The graph below depicts that 64% of the marketers regarded ‘building content strategy’ as one of their biggest educational needs.

Tips To Win Customers Through Content Marketing

Developing a content marketing strategy is a daunting task –your content must foster a relationship with existing as well as potential customers so much as to influence their purchasing decisions.

Here are seven tips to boost your content marketing which will not only lead to increased traffic but also win you, loyal customers.

Leveraging Big Data

Want to learn the key to optimize your resource allocation to provide value to your clients, to reach your target market, and to gain more leads than your competitors, all at once? The secret is the ability to leverage big data.

Try applying marketing automation to your strategy and watch it pick, cleanse, analyze, and employ big data to your campaigns. Let big data analysis be the foundation of your content marketing so that the collection and management of content become convenient. Thus, big data indeed is the platform required by your marketing strategy as it helps to:

  • Eliminate useless datasets
  • Improve the quality of content generates
  • Increase the accurateness of insights

Use it to win over customers in an efficient and sustainable manner.

Integrate Keywords in Your Marketing Strategy

The importance of keywords has forever been emphasized because they are here to stay. Both long-tail and short-tail search queries have their own importance as they reflect buying intent, as shown in the chart below.

Tips To Win Customers Through Content Marketing

Why not use keyword optimization to gain more traffic and indirectly get more customers? As marketers, we have limited time available at hand, so why not make the most use of it by using search engine optimization to our benefit?

It is a growth hack that is infallible as positive search engine results lead to higher conversions. This is because they have a much larger impact on your target audience. The tip is to increase the use of commercial keywords in your content.

This will not only help you to make more money but will also lead to more fame and popularity which is essential for your growing business.

Consider Blogging

Have you considered integrating blog marketing into your business strategy? Blogging has become the newest trend to influence your customers. It has become a powerful tool for every content marketing strategy as blogs are easy to operate and share.

Through blogs, businesses provide valuable information to the customers that add value to their lives. You can offer tips or updates about your products – don’t just tell them, show them how!

A research states that 82% of marketers who consistently blog was successful in acquiring customers, increasing their returns on investment (ROI). Therefore, blogging pay off in the long-term.

Google Analytics To The Rescue

Creating killer content has never been easier before, but all you need is to reach the customers at the right place – using Google Analytics. It not only enables you to create better content but your readers will love every word you write as Google Analytics spice things up.

With its advanced features, it can help you write on any topic and conquer any niche. Here are some ways via which you can benefit the most from Google Analytics:

Find Topics Of Customers’ Interest

The best thing about Google Analytics is that it provides you with the keyword that customers use to find your website so you can utilize these to write more articles that would interest them.

Knowing the Audience
The “Audience” tab in Google Analytics help you to improve your content by educating you about your audience. This directly leads to more personalized content which is customer specific and attracts them.

Content Experimenting

This feature in Google Analytics allows the creation of A/B testing which gives you an idea of what your clients really want and help you to generate value-based content. It provides you with clear instructions on how to create better content to draw the customers.

Bounce Rate

Another feature in Google Analytics is the bounce rate through which you can find out which articles on your site are not grabbing customer’s attention. So a high bounce rate will alarm you and you can immediately make improvements so that your customers remain satisfied. You can tweak old pages to make them perform even better.

Visuals Have Their Own Appeal

Visual never lose appeal as 90% of the total information that the brain receives is visual, so it’s easy to retain visual content in mind. Use this simple rule “Show, and don’t just tell” to enhance your marketing efforts.

Visual information does wonders to your content as it can spark personal interest among the audience. It directly leads to greater engagement which later converts into more customers.

A report revealed that in 2015, 70% of marketers intended to include visual content in their marketing campaigns. You may use visual media such as videos, memes, and infographics to boost your marketing as they can build your brand image faster.

Visual assets can also increase the number of shares as shown by the graph above. So summing it up, when you use a picture to express a thousand words, just imagine what magic you can weave by combining words and images together.

Powering Content Tools

Remember that with increasing competition and rising number of customers on digital platforms, you have to make use of every tool at your disposal to enhance your content; be it external or internal.

The choice of tools is proliferating as their demand has increased all over the Internet. So why not utilize them to improve the quality of your content. For example, you can take help from Designrr ebook software to transform your content into an ebook and get more leads through personalized engagement.

Your Content Must be Sticky

It is great to draw visitors but what really counts is whether they stick or not. To transform organic traffic into leads, you have to take it one step further and make your content sticky.

Your content must be too good to require customers to sign up for more, come back again, or make them complete their purchase. This can be done by asking for their email addresses, adding links, and offering tempting deals.

The Bottom Line

We’ve all heard content is king and by looking at the number of companies adopting content marketing into their business strategy, it is indeed important to work on them. Do try these simple yet effective strategies that will help you efficiently grow your business. With a proper content marketing plan, you can do wonders to your conversions as customers will come back for more and next time with a bang!

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