
Accessibility Tips All Businesses Must Implement

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Accessibility Tips All Businesses Must Implement

Web accessibility is vital to the success of any business now, more than ever, thanks in no small part to our dependence on the Internet and the rapid pace at which digital transformation progresses. After all, it’s created many opportunities for accessing information, goods, services, and other online tools that enable individuals to do anything, be it voting in the elections or ordering food.

However, the advantages of the World Wide Web are much more challenging to obtain for those who live with disabilities. Over ninety percent of all sites aren’t compliant with accessibility laws and are inaccessible for those who depend on assistive technologies.

Importance of Web accessibility

There are several reasons why Web accessibility is essential. And many of them touch economic, legal, ethical, and social points.

  • Social Importance. For the disabled, Web accessibility is more than a mere convenience – it’s a social concern. Their ability to have equitable access to the Web and all the information, services, and products within enables them to have a role in society, preventing marginalization in the process.
  • Economic Opportunities. Apart from its social importance, Web accessibility also enables brands to reach out to a broader audience, leading to more customers and increasing their revenue in the process. Furthermore, those that overlook the disabled community will miss out on the opportunity to tap into a considerable consumer base with a lot of purchasing power.
  • Legal Compliance. Web accessibility is enforced in many different places. The United States and European Union, for example, treat it as a right, requiring brands to keep their online content as accessible as possible. And their inability to comply can lead to more problems beyond missed sales opportunities.

Tips for Web Accessibility

As the name implies, Web accessibility’s purpose is to remove barriers that could hinder an individual’s ability to navigate a website or understand any content published online. With that said, here are some accessibility tips every business should implement.

  • Utilize a CMS that Can Support Web Accessibility. When creating a site, it’s always a good idea to opt for a CMS or content management system to support Web accessibility. Make sure that the themes, plugins, page layout, and every other facet are all compatible with standards like WCAG 2.1. It will make a difference.
  • Use Real-time Transcription. Real-time transcriptions are another way of improving Web accessibility. With these types of solutions, you can make videos, meetings, and training more accessible to those with disabilities than they otherwise would have been. In addition, real-time transcription software for live courses and events makes the information easier to digest mentally.
  • Add Alt Tags for Your Images. Visual elements like images provide a lot more value to users than some might think. However, they can also build barriers to those who have impaired or limited vision. Fortunately, you can overcome this with alt images, as they provide image descriptions via screen readers. They can also improve your SEO efforts.


Online accessibility benefits businesses as much as the consumers. Beyond allowing them to attract more customers, it also makes their brands more reputable. So follow these tips to elevate your Web accessibility. It will go a long way in helping your business thrive and flourish.

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