
5 Facebook Privacy Settings You Should Know

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5 Facebook Privacy Settings You Should Know

Majority of today’s ‘online gang’ have accounts on Facebook. Of course, it is the most popular social media channel and people love to be connected with each other on this site. So, you might also be using Facebook. Right!

Did you ever ask yourself how secure your FB account is? Or, how sure you are about the privacy matters on FB?

Sounds so awkward, but yes, the majority of illicit people, hackers and other anti-social threats revolving around the internet make Facebook their easy and foremost target. They keep visiting various accounts and try to deceit people with their private information.

Hence, being alert is important along with being strict with the privacy setting of your Facebook account. Being a best digital marketing agency, here I suggest you some ways through which you can maintain the privacy setting of your Facebook account and believe me, this is important.

Contact Info Privacy

Socializing is good, but distributing your personal information and contact details is not good from personal point of view. You should always keep your personal e-mail address, phone number and other personal info private by customizing your privacy setting. Just move to the ‘main privacy page’ and then click on the ‘customize settings’. 
Scroll down the ‘contact information’ and do required customization. People, in the name of digital marketing agency or any other firm can do the wrong use of your information.

Removing Yourself From Google

You may sometimes feel not to be shown up in the searches for your name. Then, you should better turn off the public FB search results. After visiting the privacy page of your account, scroll down towards the ‘Apps and Websites’. Then to ‘Public Search’ and click on the ‘Edit Settings’. Then, you have to uncheck the checkbox next to the option ‘Enable Public Search’.

Removing Yourself From The FB Search Results

Don’t you want to be searched on FB by others? This shows that you might be tired of getting friend requests extensively and want to be far from those you have never met. You can easily remove yourself from the FB search results just by navigating to the main privacy page and clicking on the ‘View Settings’. 
Next, you will get the setting “Search for you on FB” at the top. Then, click on the box on the right side and then select ‘Friends Only’. Now, you will be found by your FB friends only.

Enable ‘https’

People generally complain that their e-mail has been hijacked. So, if you want to remain safe from being hijacked, it is important to enable HTTPS to your FB account. 
This will help your account to remain safe and secure and for this, you just have to head over the ‘account setting page’, then scrolling down to ‘Account Security’ and then clicking on the ‘Change’ option. Afterwards, check the box displaying ‘Secure Browsing’ option.
Though it will make the navigation process slower, it will increase the level of protection for your FB account.

Information On Applications

If your friends play Candy Crush, it does not mean that it can access all your personal details. Just move to the ‘privacy area’, and edit settings for ‘Apps and Websites’. 
Here, you will get a query ‘info accessible through friends’ to modify what you want to do with these applications. Better would be to uncheck every box you get here, to secure your information.
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