
Tips for Successful Regression Testing

4 Mins read

Tips for Successful Regression Testing

Software updates are delivered to users so that new features can be added to the current software. They may also fix problems that have been detected as a result of internal audits or as a consequence of their vulnerability management program, among other things.

When new changes to software, such as code changes, are implemented, regression testing must be carried. Regression testing is a type of software testing carried out to ensure that the application’s existing features are not adversely affected by the updates.

Where many significant alterations have been made to the original functionality, regression testing can be conducted on a new build to ensure that the code continues to function properly after the modifications have been made. Also known as the verification method, this is when test cases are conducted mostly by computer software.

In automated regression testing, test cases are re-run to ensure that the application retains its previous functionality and that new updates have not introduced bugs into the application. Regression testing is a black-box testing technique in which test cases are re-run to ensure that the application retains its previous functionality and that any new updates have not introduced bugs into it.

Uses of Regression Testing

Tips for Successful Regression Testing

As mentioned earlier, regression testing is performed to ensure that software updates and other code changes have not had a negative impact on the functionality that is currently in use.

Most organizations use automated regression testing, in which organizations use test cases and checkpoints to validate the functioning of the application, existing features, and behavior. They allow the tester to verify that nothing has been affected by the code modifications by using a variety of test cases and checkpoints.

When we perform testing on the cloud, test logs are generated, which are primarily used to determine whether the test has been passed or failed. If the test has failed, we can use the logs to conduct a root cause analysis to determine what went wrong, where the problem lies, and why it occurred. This type of log is generated throughout the root cause analysis process, and it assists the developers in quickly identifying issues, determining which code was truly affected, and determining where they need to make corrections.

Regression testing may be performed 24 hours a day, seven days a week, without the need for human intervention, allowing you to spend your time looking at the failed tests and logs to determine the root cause of the problem.

Tips for Successful Regression Testing

Tips for Successful Regression Testing

To prevent software updates from breaking the functionality of the application, regression testing must be carried out extensively and very fast. Not doing so is detrimental to both the end-users and the company’s reputation in the case that the program’s functionality is broken after an update. Let’s take a look at some of the best practices for conducting successful regression testing.

Automated Regression Testing

Instead of performing manual regression testing, automated regression testing should be required. There are numerous advantages to using automated regression testing—the test can be completed quickly and without the need for user interaction. Regression testing may be done 24 hours a day, seven days a week, which means you can start the testing at night when the team is generally not working. After all the testing has been finished, by the time the team arrives in the morning, they will be able to spend their time reviewing the reports and determining the root cause of the tests that have failed, and addressing those issues.

Tips for Successful Regression Testing

Re-run all the Tests

Since the software gets updated regularly, it is necessary to re-run all of the successful test cases to confirm that the application continues to perform as intended. As a result of the upgrades, it is possible that the program’s functioning has been altered. To ensure that the system is operating flawlessly and without any errors, it is required to re-run all of the test cases once more. If the team chooses to ignore a couple of test cases that were successful, there is a possibility that they will become the source of a bottleneck throughout the regression testing process.

Regularly Update the Test Cases

When software is being developed, the organization will also produce a few test cases to use in the development process. These test cases are beneficial to the company in its testing of the software. However, because the software’s functionality changes from time to time, it is critical to update the test cases regularly to ensure that testing is performed on all aspects of the software and its functionality and that nothing is overlooked as the product is updated.

Performing Smoke and Sanity Test

Sanity checks and smoke tests are used to guarantee that a test first goes through the core functionality of an application and then through smoke tests to examine the workflow of an application. Since we separately evaluate the fundamental functionality of the application, it is advantageous for the team because they become aware of any issues that only affect the fundamental functionality and not the overall workflow.

Performing Continuous Testing

When we ensure that continuous testing is being carried out, we assist in delivering software with minimal impact on the software. The process typically follows the idea of “Fail Fast” and “Fail Often” through continuous testing. This allows the team to identify and fix bugs and other issues as early as possible in the development process. As a result, the customer receives software on time, and the delivery is not delayed as a result of bugs or workflow issues.


Regression testing is the foundation of software upgrades since it assures that its functionality is not adversely affected. When executed in accordance with a few best practices, it can effectively assist the company in saving money while still delivering high-quality software to users. As a result, it is critical that we adhere to best practices or suggestions when performing regression testing. Doing so is advantageous to both the organization and the individuals executing the testing.

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