
Smart Technology in Healthcare

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Smart Technology in Healthcare

The adoption of technology in the field of medicine has resulted in some amazing innovations. These innovations have helped in making healthcare more efficient, personalized, and convenient. Smart technology in healthcare includes technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, the internet of things services, and cloud computing. In this article, we’ll look at the top examples of smart technology in medicine.

Smart Inhalers

Asthma is a health condition that affects millions of people around the world. Through smart technology, people with the condition can gain better control of their symptoms and treatment by purchasing smart inhalers. A smart inhaler includes a sensor that is connected to an inhaler or a Bluetooth spirometer. This sensor is then connected to an app to help the user track their medication use, identify oncoming attacks, and learn more about what might cause their symptoms. This technology helps the user to take the correct medication consistently and generates reports that can be shared with a doctor.

AI-powered Insulin Pump

This was first developed in 2014 by Bryan Mazlish. He developed this by modifying an off-the-shelf insulin pump and a continuous glucose monitor. He created an algorithm that controls the dosing and an app to display the results. The device includes a metabolic simulation engine that predicts the insulin dosage and when the patient will need it, instead of only responding to increases in blood sugar. This technology is preventive rather than curative and thus benefits the patient’s long-term health.

Smart Drill

The smart drill is a medical device that recommends how to drill and where to drill based on its calculations, the bone density, and the resistance encountered. It has a screen that displays real-time performance feedback. It helps surgeons get the right depth, the right number of screws to use, and the correct tightness.

Ingestible Sensors

A lot of people do not take their medicine as directed and this invention is here to change that. It involves pills that dissolve in the stomach and release a signal that can be picked up by a sensor worn by the patient. The sensor then automatically relays the data to a smartphone app and confirms that the user has taken their medication. The system has been trialed with antipsychotic medication, Type 2 diabetes medication, and other types of medication and has been proven effective. A company like Intellias produces similar products like wearable sensors that collect biometric data and vital signs.


This is a wearable patch with a bio-sensor that can be worn on the forearm. Under this structure, there are electrodes with axis accelerometers that detect and record the user’s temperature, heart rate, breathing rate, or sudden movements. It is used for monitoring patients as it can send an alarm once it detects any abnormal body position. The patch is also Bluetooth enabled and can send results to a connected smartphone or tablet for analysis. Instead of going from patient to patient and checking their vitals, this device does this on the doctor’s behalf.

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