
The Best Practices for Software Testing

3 Mins read
The Best Practices for Software Testing

Software testing has come quite a long way since the early days of software engineering. Testing was not even a pivotal piece of the software development and delivery process, but thankfully that’s changed. Today, it has become one of the most important aspects of the Software Development Life 

Cycle (SDLC).

A software development company in today’s modern engineering and development landscape, like BairesDev, must put major emphasis on the importance of testing for their development teams. All business sectors and verticals, from healthcare and public safety to banking and company management, use a software program of some sort on a daily basis. That’s because releasing a major software error into the end-users’ hands could end in catastrophe.

The escalation of cyberattacks and cybersecurity threats infiltrating the digital world has only proved just how important proper, thorough testing is as well. When software development companies take the time to implement the best practices in software testing, they help cut the number of cyber incidents considerably.

What Are the Best Practices for Software Testing?

There are many ways for software development companies to improve their testing processes throughout the process of building a new product. Below are just a few helpful ways that development companies can help make testing more effective and integrated into their procedures.

  • Continually test throughout the entirety of the SDLC – Testing only during the quality assurance or designated testing phase of the SDLC is an inadequate approach for today’s software security needs. Testing must coordinate with each major release or new feature from the very beginning of the process. 
  • By planning the testing schedule to start from the early stages of the development process, a software development company can save time, money, and stress in the long run. This early implementation catches bugs and errors much earlier on than leaving things until the testing phase while improving software quality and cutting the need for labor in the final quality assurance phase.

  • Consider using a controlled security environment for testing – Many software development companies and freelancers prefer to use cloud-based testing to capitalize on its many benefits. However, the cloud still has vulnerabilities, especially when it’s public. Instead, companies should invest in developing a testing infrastructure and a local secure testing environment. This helps avoid cloud and internet-based vulnerabilities. Regional testing labs and libraries are good alternatives for mobile app testing as they are secure environments.

  • Write tests with a goal of maximum coverage. – When writing tests, try to write the cases to cover as many valid conditions as possible as well as any unexpected behaviors or conditions that may come up under the test. Involve test cases in the requirements gathering and designing steps of the Software Development Life Cycle as well so that the requirements themselves become testable.
  • Use smaller fractions for tests – Carrying out smaller tests frequently and regularly throughout the development cycle can help save resources and time. Tests such as function testing, UI and UX testing, and security testing are able to be broken down into smaller groups or fractions to speed up the process as many tests take longer than originally anticipated.

  • Report all tests – Whether manually or automatically testing, keep thorough records of any and all tests. All progress, observations, and required details require notation and incorporation into the final reporting. This includes bug symptoms, possible solutions to problems, and the effect on the software as a whole for future reference.

  • Use skilled testers instead of developers – Software engineers should not write the tests or test cases for their own projects. This increases the chance of a biased approach or a lack of coverage associated with the test. A successful software development company’s testing team includes skilled, trained individuals who specialize in this function. This team should also include a mix of talents and skillsets to ensure that as many aspects are covered as possible for more advanced testing.
  • Consider mixing in-house testing professionals with a third-party team – A full testing team within a single organization is not always possible. By hiring a third-party company to manage the testing of a new software product, additional perspectives and ideas are brought to the table when writing the tests. This creates a more thorough testing environment and a more reliable software product.

If a company wants to maintain its reputation and stay competitive in the software development landscape, they must produce the highest quality products possible. The only way to find the errors and bugs within a product before it is released to the end-user is through the most rigorous and thorough testing possible with an implementation of the best testing practices. This saves software and application development companies time and money in the long-run while keeping a high reputation with customers and clients.

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