Explore Some Valuable Insights You Could Gain from Google Analytics

4 Mins read
 Explore Some Valuable Insights You Could Gain from Google Analytics

Digital marketing specialists firmly believe that you could gain an incredible amount of marketing and SEO insights from the versatile Google Analytics. As per Forbes, Google Analytics would be helping you in getting a sound understanding of how a particular content performs. You can understand precisely what seems to work and what simply would not work when you understand the traffic coming from macro levels and recognize particular pages that users would be entering the site through. You could then consider asking questions: What & Why keywords seem to be tied to that specific page? Do you think that users are engaged? Are they continuing to some other page? Are they thinking of converting? All this would go a long way in determining and finalizing the next steps.

All these helpful insights could help you in discovering the opportunities that effectively optimize your site’s overall performance. Ranging from conversion metrics to engagement metric insights and more, we know that there is no dearth of knowledge for you to gain. Examine some actionable insights you could consider learning from Google Analytics and think of effective ways to apply them for enhancing your SEO.

Custom Segments

 Explore Some Valuable Insights You Could Gain from Google Analytics

Custom Segments seems to be Google Analytics’ core feature and it allows you to view traffic by channel, demographic data, visitors who reached goals, and much more. You could create custom segments from practically all facets of valuable user data and that may include visitors from a precise location, time on site, visits to certain pages, and even visitors who could achieve a goal, etc. We understand that by using the wonderful Segments feature that comes with Google Analytics, it becomes quite easier to learn more details about very specific audiences and that may include behavior, as well as, performance against specific goals set by you. This could prove to be beneficial while measuring against particular personas that you have already defined in your stratagem.

Utilizing segments would prove to be beneficial in learning more about all your users coming to your site and precisely how they go about engaging and interacting with it. An insightful area for exploring while identifying additional segments to come up with is present in Google Analytics’ Audience tab. Once you consider navigating to ‘Audience > Interests > Overview’, you would find that Overview would be demonstrating a high-level view of three interest reports such as In-market segments, affinity categories, and other categories. 

Once you obtain this data, you could create a custom segment for tracking. You could go back to the Audience and then to Overview for viewing All Sessions. You could create a new segment by Selection plus Add Segment for monitoring the user behavior in this segment, the visitors who come to the site most frequently in comparison to the other visitors to your site. You must remember to consider setting a date range at least, for six months to one year if applicable, for having a perfect compilation of data.

Monitoring Mobile Traffic

Mobile traffic is consistently gaining traction and phenomenally growing in importance. It is, however, is just not enough to simply monitor mobile traffic coming to a site; it is of pivotal importance to consider monitoring consistently the engagement levels of all those mobile visitors. You could do certain things for assessing this.

  • View exactly how many mobile conversions took place at each page individually. You could do this simply by incorporating a mobile segment.

  • Consider monitoring the exact mobile bounce rate. Try to identify the pages that seem to have high bounce rates. With this knowledge, you could get an idea of ways to tackle potential issues associated with one single page.
  • Consider comparing desktop and mobile bounce rate metrics. When you do this for basically the same page, it is obvious that you could obtain greater insight into the major differences between the desktop experience and the mobile experience.

If you are finding all this overwhelming, no need to lose heart. You could seek professional assistance from experienced Chicago SEO experts for perfect digital marketing solutions.

Concentrate on Site Search

If you are having a sidebar present on your website, you have a huge opportunity to know precisely what visitors to your site are looking for once they arrive at your site. You would gain valuable insight into precisely what they want and exactly how many visitors are searching. For instance, suppose a huge chunk of your traffic seems to be using the site’s search bar that is a good enough signal that the site’s main navigation requires to be improved for providing customers and potential customers with a clear idea of the precise location of exactly what they are looking for.

Moreover, the precise search term entered into the search bar by the users could be beneficial in providing valuable insight into content concepts and ideas. Suppose a user is searching for a specific term frequently but your site does not seem to have adequate content, it would be sensible for your site to consider featuring that particular content.

Or, suppose the user seems to be looking for a specific product quite frequently that should be treated as a clear indication that the site must feature such a product more prominently and conspicuously on the homepage. The product must be made easily accessible.

Bounce Rate Provides Great Pointers

The bounce rate of a website refers to the percentage of visitors to your site who leave immediately after viewing just one page. High bounce rates should not necessarily be associated with poor UX or user experience. A high bounce rate could be because the visitors did not get what they were searching on your site. However, we know that a poor User Interface and a poor User Experience along with a website’s design issues are primarily responsible for your site’s high bounce rate. Suppose the bounce rate of a site has gone up phenomenally it is indicative of the fact that your site requires updating. You could consider adjusting the Google Analytics time frame for assessing the exact bounce rate consistently every quarter for determining if it has gone up or has come down.

Identify Best Performing Pages Simply by Conversions

Having a thorough understanding of individual page performance along with conversions could provide immense insight. You could identify some of the negative trends present on individual pages. If a particular page has witnessed a significant decline we may assume that the issue could be isolated pertaining to that specific page. However, if you observe a negative drop across numerous pages, it could be pointing out that there could be certain technical glitches.


Once you think about using Google Analytics to its fullest potential, you could successfully drive extremely valuable marketing insights so that you could formulate powerful SEO stratagems.

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