
How To Add Subscript And Superscript In Word Document oF Window And Mac

4 Mins read
 How To Add Subscript And Superscript In Word Document oF Window And Mac

Some people never get an idea that how they can add superscripts and subscripts in their document. If you are also one of them and looking for an easy way to add superscripts and subscripts in your documents. Especially, if your job with many superscripts and subscripts in Office. I’ll make your job easier by telling you that how can you add the superscript and subscript buttons to the toolbar in Word whether you are doing your work on Window or Mac. You will be able to insert those buttons to toolbar even though Microsoft has made it to some extent annoyingly difficult to do so, as the process varies depending on which operating system and application you’re using.

Superscripts and subscripts are letters, numbers or symbols set a little above the normal line of text. You see them normally in chemical formulas, mathematical equations, and footnotes. You could point to a superscript or subscripts on the same line as the text with the caret (^) character, but this is awkward to read.

MS Word provides a command that not only places the superscript and superscript at the accurate height on the line but also modifies the font size so these special symbols are a little smaller and less obtrusive. If your job work deals with scientific or mathematical data, Word’s superscript and superscript command keep the equations looking graceful and professional.

Read The Following Steps To Add Superscript And Subscript Symbols Easily For Windows:

Automatic Citation

Step 1

Click in the text where you want to insert the citation superscript. Generally, it is right away after the ending punctuation mark in the sentence that references the cited source.

Step 2

Click the “References” tab on the ribbon.

Step 3
Get on the “Insert Footnote” or the “Insert Endnote” button, placed in the Footnotes section on the ribbon. Word will include by design numbered citation superscript in the text, and it will also include a corresponding superscript number at the bottom of the page if you inserted a footnote, or at the end of the document, if you inserted an endnote.

Manual Citation

Same as automatic citation, click in the text where you want to add the citation superscript or subscript. It is straight away after the finishing punctuation mark in the sentence that references the cited source.
Step 2

Click the “Home” tab on the Ribbon.

Step 3

Click the “Superscript” or “Subscript” button whichever you need to add, on the ribbon, in the Font group. You can see a button’s name by moving the cursor over it.

Step 4

Type the number of the citation.

Step 5

Click the “Superscript” or “Subscript” button again, and then return to typing as normal.

Clear any superscript or subscript. You can convert text to normal by selecting it and pressing Ctrl + Space

Keyboard Shortcut

For Superscript: press ctrl, shift, and plus (+) keys together.
For Subscript: press ctrl and equals to (=) keys together.

Read The Following Steps To Add Superscript And Subscript Symbols Easily For Mac:

As we already stated that subscript and superscript text formatting is normally used when writing out chemicals, formulas, and expressions. Subscript shows slightly lower and smaller than the primary text, at the same time as superscript appears slightly higher and smaller than the primary text.

If you need to insert superscript or subscript characters on a Mac, you’ll get that it’s just a matter of enabling the desired baseline shift in either the Pages or TextEdit apps within OS X. You can also alter the baseline shifted text to be higher or lower to suit your needs.

This works in both Pages app and TextEdit app of OS X. To be in either of those apps and start typing as normal, and then when you hit the point where you wish for to add superscript or subscript text just follow the below steps:

Step 1

Pull down the “Format” menu and go to “Font”.

Step 2

Select the “Baseline” submenu and choose either “Superscript” or “Subscript”.

Step 3

Write the text to be subscripted or superscripted and then go reverse to the same menu and select “Use Default” to return to normal baseline text.

You can also use the “Raise” or “Lower” options within the Baseline Font submenu to create more magnified superscript or subscript, which can be valuable for certain fonts where the baseline change is less noticeable.

Keyboard Shortcut

Subscript: Press ⌘ and = together.

Superscript: Press ⌘ and shift and + together.

Use Keyboard Shortcuts for Superscript & Subscript in Pages App

A much easy way to quickly type subscript and superscript on the Mac is with two specific keyboard shortcuts in Pages app.

Keyboard Shortcut

Superscript: Press Command Control and plus (+) together

Subscript: Press Command Control and minus (-) together

In case it wasn’t clear, that’s Command+Control+Plus for superscript, and Command+Control+Minus for subscript. Hitting the key series again will move the next typed text to regular baseline.

Note: these keystrokes are restricted to Pages by default, and they are not instantly accessible in TextEdit. If you required adding similar keyboard shortcuts to TextEdit or another text editing application of your choice, you could do that through System Preferences > Keyboards > Keyboard Shortcuts, just be sure to pick a keystroke that doesn’t clash with any others.


If the character you need for your superscript is a symbol not found on the standard keyboard, click the “Symbol” button on the Insert tab to find it.

To insert compound equations into a Word document, use the Equation command on the Insert tab. This command provides the accurate formatting for superscripts and subscripts, as well as a large selection of equation-specific symbols.

I hope this article will help you and make your document work easily for you whether you are working on Windows or Mac.

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