
10 Tips To Gain LinkedIn Followers

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Tips and trick to Gain LinkedIn Followers

Before you know how to gain Linkedin followers, it is important to note that LinkedIn is different from other social networks in the sense that you can connect to people either through ‘Connections’ which are two-way relationships or by ‘Following’ them, which is a one-way relationship.

For most people and brands, gaining followers on LinkedIn shows that you are influential enough that people want to follow you and see what you’re saying or doing. It carries a certain amount of prestige to have a large number of followers, which is why so many people often want to know how they can attract more.

While there are many strategies and techniques to attract and gain followers, some of the best tips are:

Add A ‘Follow’ Button On Your Website

If you have a website that gets a decent amount of traffic, this could be an easy and yet effective way to get followers on LinkedIn. After all, if they’re visiting your website then they’re already interested in what you have to say – so getting them to follow you on LinkedIn shouldn’t be that tough.

Add A ‘Follow’ Button On Your Email Signature

Most people have their social profiles listed on email signature. You can also start including LinkedIn in your email signature.

Add A ‘Follow’ Button On Your Guest Blog Posts

Doing guest blogging is common for content marketing folks. If you write content on other blogs include your Linkedin page in author bio for people to follow you easily.

Participate In Groups

Groups are a big part of LinkedIn, and by participating in them actively by joining and starting discussions you will start to attract more people – assuming they feel what you say is noteworthy.

Tips To Participate In Groups

Here are some useful tips to make best use of groups

  • Ask interesting questions – and make sure to thank people for answering your questions and participating.
  • Answer questions with details – pick the ones you really have expertise on.
  • Creation new group in interesting and relevant domain. Keep it alive you active participation and spam control.
  • Do not spam other group with self promotion – it almost always does not work and affects reputation.

Tweak Your LinkedIn Profile

Make sure your profile looks great. All the essentials should be there, and you could even get a bit creative with your background photo – just make sure it looks professional. Edit your profile so that the sections that appear are the most relevant and help further your reputation as an authority.

Here are some more tips to improve your Linkedin profile.

Provide Great Content

Some types of content tend to do better than others on LinkedIn. In particular, videos have a track record of performing well, so too do ‘best-of’ lists – and both should help you to get more shares and comments which will act as social proof too.

Add awesome images to your content to make it look stunning. Images attract more people to read your content.

Follow Other Related Companies In Your Niche

Follow and engage with other businesses in your niche. Share the content from any interesting business in your domain. This will also attract other similar interest people to follow you.

SEO Optimized Articles

Optimize your LinkedIn articles for search engines. Do a keyword research and try to include popular and low competition keywords in your pages. This will attract more search engine traffic and some of those visitor may start following you too.

80/20 Rule for Promotion

Use 80-20 rules for promoting yourself on linkedin

Limit your self promoting content and shares to 20% of overall activity on LinkedIn. Sometimes even lesser is better.

Post Regularly

Be engaged in Linkedin conversations and sharing content. Keep doing it regularly to stay connected with people and attract more followers. Inactive users are often ignored by Linkedin algorithms and do not pop out.

Gaining LinkedIn followers naturally takes time. It is all about building up your reputation for being a source of important and useful information that is of interest to people within your industry. The more you engage with these people, the more you’ll draw their attention and that will translate to more and more followers. In no time, you may even find that your LinkedIn followers are helping you to open doors and obtain new opportunities.

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