
10 Ways To Increase Conversions By Checkout Improvements

4 Mins read
How to create a perfect checkout page

Conversions are critical for maintaining a healthy business. The numbers of customers who purchase your products decide how well your site is performing. To get the most number of customers, site owners optimize all aspects of their web performance to create a better customer experience and convince them to purchase product.

One of the most critical aspects of conversions is the checkout page, which is the concluding step towards completed sales. Sadly, many websites fail to properly customize their checkout page either because they are inexperienced or have an outdated or ineffective module in place for development purposes.

Your Module Matters

Having the right checkout module is critical to achieve desired results. Statistics have shown that 73 percent customers end up in cart abandonment if the checkout page has not been created properly. This puts quite some pressure on how to proceed with checkout pages.

The most important thing is to have the right module. Although Multistep Checkouts are still in practice, Quick Checkouts such as the one page checkout PrestaShop have proven themselves to be the new age of checkouts. They boast versatility, adaptability on mobile platforms and a wide range of functions that satisfy the needs of tech savvy customers. Created to be filled in a minimum of time, they have proven their worth through A/B Testing as well.

Create the Checkout Page that you want

It actually isn’t that hard to create the checkout page just how you would like it. By integrating features from customer point of view and taking care of some critical points as given below, you can be assured to have the checkout page to boost your conversions and leave a satisfied customer.

Credit Card Confirmation Should not Spook Customer

Once the credit card confirmation process starts, the checkout page cannot optimize it as it is being verified through a third party. 23 percent customers are lost as a result of changing pages. This issue can be countered by informing the customer about what is going on and how they should proceed.

This way customers are content that their data is not being stolen (which is the major idea that they get) and continue on with their purchase instead of abandoning cart.

Useless Passwords

Some checkout pages completely disregard the essence of streamlining their process and require one password after the other to continue. They ask for one password to verify their sales, another as a safe pin to enter on the next page and another to enter when sales has been completed.

51 percent customers abandon cart if there are too many questions asked. Instead of asking passwords, it is easier to switch to quick checkout such as checkout module by FMEModules, which completes all order on one page and doesn’t need protective passwords on next page to counter phishing attacks.

Don’t Make An Essay Out of Instructions

Instructional text is meant to be helpful, not be an essay on its own. If instructions are not helpful, there are chances that the form will be wrongly filled. 82 percent customers simply leave the page altogether if their form is not filled right the first time, blaming the site.

Convert instructions into small bullet points to facilitate user in filling checkout page It is important to present such data in a form which is understandable by user to increase conversion rates.

Interactive Buttons

Buttons are perceived more than text, which makes their optimizations vital. 47 percent customer agreed that they would look towards buttons to explain what doing next would do rather than the text next to it.

Opt to make interactive buttons without the usual “continue” and “back” words. Be descriptive in manner, explaining what they do such as “back to sales” or “continue to checkout”. One step Checkout is well suited in this manner, allowing changes in button text as per admin requirements.

Reward Customers For Completing Optional Forms And Reviews

On site forms are important and giving customer rewards is the perfect way to entice them into giving some extra time to fill them. Gift certificates, discount coupons and personal sales offers are great ways to get their attention.

Make Do With Minimum of Personal Data

The checkout page should be created keeping in mind online customers are already reserved about handing out personal information on the internet. Keeping checkout fields relevant is essential to stick to this ideology.

PrestaShop easy checkout is designed to keep a minimum number of fields or even to create ones if needs be. This makes it a reactive checkout module for development of streamlined checkout pages.

Back Button Should Function Flawlessly

Whatever you do, make sure that back button really does what it says. Most sites corrupt current information when a user tries to backtrack on their process which complicates the process. 83 percent customers are likely to result in cart abandonment as a result, so having a functional back button is important.

Develop from the User Point of Technical Knowledge

Most users might be using mobile phones and laptops but have novice knowledge about online forms, prerequisites among other information. This makes development according to their knowledge critical.

Keep things simple with a simple checkout process and single column approach. Quick checkout allows choosing from various successful themes which match these approaches and their customizations, allowing you to create as you wish.

Don’t force Account Creation

One of the biggest turn offs for customers was the creation of a separate account once the registration process was complete. 69 percent customers simply left the entire process once such message was presented.

Instead of separate account, choose to use existing social media accounts on Facebook, twitter and instagram to facilitate user. This allows them to give site reviews and advertise the website if they had a satisfied experience.

Interactive Error Indications

Errors are meant to show what went wrong, not just something went wrong. Interactive error messages are the key to keeping those 69 percent customers on page and willing to go another try.

One Page Checkout allows creation of personalized error messages to suit user requirements. This permits helpful information to be presented in a reasonable manner to help user in filling their checkout forms, leading to purchase.

Choosing the right checkout such as Presta single page Checkout along with taking care of these points will help create a checkout page which not only increases conversions but helps your customer to fill in a minimum time. This leaves a satisfied customer who is guaranteed to return to the same site to purchase.

Alastair Brian is a dedicated consultant & software support manager with almost 7 years of experience at the most trusted source of PrestaShop Modules, the FMEModules. He has extensive working experience in PrestaShop PHP, WordPress and Magento. You can reach him on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

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