
How Teachers Can Motivate Students Using Twitter

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 How Teachers Can Motivate Students Using Twitter

The era of the internet is a very particular thing. We live in the world full of opportunities where to buy college papers or to book tickets to different countries from your home sofa is not a problem anymore. You can hate or love social networks, but YOU CAN`T deny the benefits from using social platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, etc. 

Even serious office workers use the web to communicate with each other, create projects and unite into groups for increasing the productivity of the work. We need to admit that teachers have taken advantage of Twitter’s format to keep their classes engaged and up-to-date on the latest technologies.

In this modern age of screen absorption, encompassing technology and easy accessibility of social media databases, it can be quite difficult for teachers to keep their students focused in the classroom. Textbooks are becoming outdated and replaced with more contemporary digital devices including mobile touch screens and laptop computers. 

As technology in the classroom advances, teaching methods must improve correspondingly. Luckily the versatility and connectivity of social media allow teachers to get creative and utilize the same network of databases, specifically Twitter. The functionality of the Twitter platform allows educators to ‘tweet’ to motivate students. 

Syncing Schedules

One of the most useful aspects of Twitter is the ability to set up individual accounts for different classes. Teachers can utilize the feed feature and connect with groups of students accordingly. They can post entire class schedules allowing students to view homework assignments and exams without even opening their calendars. Daily Tweets can be used to remind students of upcoming due dates as well. Easy and direct accessibility to information in a familiar form can be extremely encouraging to students.

A Twitter Textbook

Twitter accounts maintained by teachers can be transformed into a unique form of a textbook type and enable students to embrace a vast, varied learning experienced. Teachers can post study material, extra credit assignments, and even sample questions to facilitate further understanding of class content. The fingertip accessibility of classroom information is beneficial to consider success.

Live Question And Answer Session

For environments that allow or even encourage touch screen devices with wireless connections, Twitter can be used as a live question and answer platform during lessons. Students can tweet questions instead of raising their hands and the anonymity this may motivate a more active learning experience.

Creative Parental Involvement

Twitter makes it easier than ever for parents to stay up to date on what is going on in their child’s classroom. Where previously adults had to grudgingly force classroom topics out of their less than enthused learners, now parents can only review teacher’s tweets to stay up to date on class schedules and material. This enables smooth engagement with students and enhanced learning motivation at home.

Digital Project Engagement

Introverted students and more independent learners can now forego physical and often distracting interaction with other students during group projects by utilizing features on Twitter. Peers can tweet ideas to each other and organize presentations entirely online, making groups projects easier than ever before.

Stepping Outside Of The Box

Teachers can use Twitter to encourage students to reach beyond knowledge in the classroom and follow relevant current events including political, environmental, and scientific news. They have the option of keeping these feeds in alignment with current class material or motivating students to engage alternate sources of real-life information independently.

A Bridge Between Two Worlds

Teachers choosing to engage with students on a social platform that they ultimately enjoy in their personal time creates an incomparable connection between two formerly separate societal worlds. Using the Twitter platform in the classroom encourages education through socialization and provides a digital sense of community that can provide a source of motivation to an otherwise uninterested learning population.

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