
Smart Home Technologies That Improve Our Daily Lives

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Smart Home Technologies That Improve Our Daily Lives

Domestic bliss is easier to achieve today thanks to the raft of smart tech products that are available at increasingly affordable prices.

Here are just a few of the gadgets which are improving home life for lots of people around the world right now.

Robotic Vacuum Cleaners

It might seem obvious, but robot vacuum cleaners can save a lot of time that would otherwise be spent slaving away with a roaring, unwieldy piece of equipment in hand.

Modern models from brands like Roomba are incredibly intelligent, mapping out rooms automatically and patrolling at convenient intervals so that they do not get in the way while still keeping floors looking immaculate. This is ideal for ensuring that even if guests arrive unexpectedly, the house will be ship shape and resistant to even the most discerning eye.
Smart speakers

The prevalence of smart speakers might have come as a surprise to some, but with hundreds of millions sold by Amazon alone, this is a trend that is very much enjoying an upwards trajectory at the moment.

Whether Alexa, Google Assistant or Siri is in charge of your daily affairs, there has never been a better time to harness a smart speaker to manage a wide variety of systems within your home without having to press any buttons.

Voice commands are not just a party trick that average people can enjoy; for many they are essential, as they allow those with limited movement or accessibility issues the opportunity to become more independent.

Superfast Wi-Fi

With so many different devices needing to feed off an internet connection to function in their intended, ‘smart’ way, the need for excellent wireless networking has never been greater.

Thankfully, a generational leap in Wi-Fi connectivity is currently underway, promising to bring with it not only faster speeds but also better support for the kinds of workloads that smart home tech will place on it.

Known as Wi-Fi 6, this latest standard promises to offer speeds of up to 9.6 gigabits per second. Of course this is the theoretical maximum that in reality will not be achievable in real world settings, but even so it paints a positive picture of the future of in-home connectivity.

Speed is less significant than raw bandwidth, since a typical household today has about nine devices leeching on the same wireless network, which can lead to a lot of slowdown during peak periods of use. Ultimately as Wi-Fi 6 becomes the norm, people will not actually notice that it is there at all, which is the ideal for any truly functional technology.

Connected Home Security

One of the things that next-gen Wi-Fi will help to propagate is connected, smart security systems which are already fairly popular.

What makes these services most appealing is that they provide constant coverage for homeowners wherever they might be, with automatic alerts sent out to their device of choice whether they are just around the corner or on the other side of the planet.

Being able to rest easy when heading away on holiday or a business trip is almost priceless, but with connected home security systems it is more attainable than ever.

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