
8 Simple Tips to Protect Your WordPress Website

4 Mins read
Follow Simple Tips to Protect your WordPress Website

How to protect your WordPress website?

WordPress has been started in the year 2003 as self-hosted blogging tool across the world. Over the last few years, it has been used as an online open source website creation tool. It has become a content management system for web designer and agencies all over the world.

Few examples of best WordPress websites are Harvard, University of Graduate School of Design, Travel Portland, Captain Creative, Guy Gyngell and millions more. Twenty-eight percent of website online all over the world is of WordPress.

Why WordPress websites are so popular?

WordPress is completely free and have unlimited options and validity. One can easily download it from the WordPress official website. It has lots of features and gives a customized solution with the full flexibility to create any type of website. 

It has unlimited options for themes and plugins. You can add multiple users like admin, author, accountant, subscriber, contributor and many. All the WordPress websites are SEO friendly and help to improve the search engine visibility of your WordPress website.
WordPress is very easy to use. Before installing you can follow WP tutorial article. It is just a one clicks install and ready to use. The support system has millions of queries and solutions. It has the very rich text editor. One easily inserts images, videos, audio in blogs on the web page. Because of the functionality and popularity, WordPress website is successful.

Follow simple tips to protect your WordPress Website

Each and every website needs a perfectly secure system. No system is hundred percent safe from hacking. Now we know around 28% of online websites are powered by WordPress and they are often targeted by the hackers. If you are seeing a lot of attacks on your WP website or want to reduce the chances of such attacks. We will share some tips to protect your WordPress website.

Getting a website is very easy, but most of the owners are not responsible to protect the website from hacking.

Security Tips to follow

1. Two-factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication is generally seen in the banking sector. For example, when you log in with your credential software ask some personal questions or send OTP on your mobile for verification. Two-factor authentication works by acquiring the second factor of information. This way, it is difficult for the hacker to log in crack your website system.

2. Keep WordPress updated 

The chances of hacking are increased by outdated software. It is so because of the outdated files, plugins, theme, etc. are easily traceable. Whenever you see the update notification on your WordPress dashboard, update it as soon as possible. Even WordPress automatically update the core updates for you. There are a few updates you have to follow to protect your website.

3. Delete unused plugins and themes 

People are in the tendency of keeping and storing plugins and themes. It is recommended not to store multiple themes and plugins. So, dispose of the one which you no longer use. This way your website will be protected and also it works smoothly at high speed. You can also use Plugin Activation status, it detects the unused plugin.

4. Get security plugin for your website

To protect your website from any threat, install a WordPress security plugin. There are many plugins like Sucuri Security, Ithemes Security, Bulletproof Security, etc to minimize security vulnerability.

5. Strong password

This is very important. Everyone knows the secure password is mandatory for online work. It is sad that the majority of people use the simple password to remember. Hackers can easily crack the code of passwords those are in the name of birth dates, anniversaries, family name, etc. They have automated scripts which guess the password and username easily. 
Always follow the tool like strong password generator to have the secure and strong password. We also see on many websites to use a strong password having a special character, number etc.

6. Limit the login attempts

The main drawback in WordPress is that it does not limit the password guess to log in. A hacker can use a script by entering the different password. This is called a brute force attack. You can protect your WordPress website by limiting the login attempts. There are few limiting logins plugins like Login Lockdown, Limit Login attempts or Jackpot Protect. They have options of whitelist certain IP address.

7. Usage of SSL 

Secure Socket Layer encrypts all the information shared on your website. It ensures that third person cannot intercept the data from your WordPress website. Always remember an SSL website will start with Https in the URL. With WordPress, all customers can get a free SSL certificate. The SSL certificate helps the user to verify that they are using secured website.

8. Use of secured Hosting environment 

The WordPress website addresses many of the tasks discussed above with its security technology. So, it is better to invest in the secure hosting provider.

As You can see that it is very simple to protect your WordPress website from any threat. Some of the tips are a very basic thing to do like updating the plugins, having strong passwords, etc. WordPress websites are very secure and safe, it is only how you protect your website. Even though you are taking all the measures, it is good to keep the back up from time to time. 

This is the best practice to secure the data. Now that you know all the ways to secure your website, always get updated with the technology and keep upgrading your WordPress website.

Maggie Sawyer is a web developer by profession and a blogger by hobby. She works for MarkupHQ Ltd., PSD to WordPress Company. She provides WordPress customization services with guaranteed 100% client satisfaction.

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