
How To Write The Right Motivational Essay

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How To Write The Right Motivational Essay

Often, in order to get a job of your dreams or enter a foreign language, even the best resume is not enough. An important role is now played by a motivational letter – writing an essay whose aim is to draw attention to his personality, to form a positive first impression and, most importantly, to receive an invitation to an interview. 1-2 pages of text should be written as creative as possible. 

Members of the selection committee should not be left to any doubt that you are the exact candidate they are looking for.

The motivation letter should contain 3 questions:

  1. Why did you choose this institution or company?
  2. Why should you get this place?
  3. What is your experience unique?

In order for your letter of motivation not to be lost among others, in order to be remembered for a long time, certain rules need to be guided. After all, this is not just an essay – a story about yourself, but a kind of business documents in which you should talk about your experience and advantages over other applicants.

It is worth starting a correspondence with teachers or employees of the firm. Their experience and advice will definitely help you write an essay or more compelling motivational letter and find out the details of their work.

First, you need to indicate the reason why you decide to join a higher education institution or a company. It can be the best teaching staff in the country, good organization of work, the use of advanced technologies or access to primary sources and specialized literature. You can even write that you want to enter the history of the best students or staff of the institution. It is necessary to formulate thoughts so that nobody remains indifferent to your desire to study or work here.

An impressive impression on the readers of the motivational letters is mentioned in the writing paper about the employees of the educational institution or the company that you admire. This will show you what qualities are important to you, which achievements are significant, to whom you want to be similar. If you know the experience of your talented predecessors, you’ll be more likely to succeed. You need to be interested in discoveries and achievements of the employees of the institution where you want to study or work.

In the letter of motivation, it is necessary to isolate and clearly formulate its advantages and disadvantages. It is appropriate to back up the “pluses” with examples from life. If for example, you want to say about your stress and endurance, then you should write about how it manifests itself. In addition, you do not need to be afraid to write about the “minuses”, because some of them can be used in their favor. So, obstinacy means not only limited but also principled in the work.

You should not write a letter about your achievements in your studies or career at once. First, you need to demonstrate your individuality in writing an essay. Therefore, it is worth saying a few words about their own interests, hobbies, volunteer work (social activity is highly valued abroad). All this will make it possible to better understand you as a person.

Any story about your achievements should be backed up by facts. It is very important that after reading the letter of motivation in the commission, there were no more questions or (worse) doubts. In order to avoid this, you should give clear answers to the question: What? Where? When? How long? Why?

It should always be remembered that there will be no other opportunity for you to make a second impression about you in the selection committee. Therefore, the motivational letter must be unique, solid, dynamic and simple. After all, this document is the first step towards dreams. To get some help in essay or thesis writing visit Thesis Panda

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