
What are the Different Types of Automation Testing?

2 Mins read

What are the Different Types of Automation Testing?

In the software testing world, there are two types of testing techniques: manual and automated. Both types aim to execute the test case, then compare the outcome with expected results. Both types have their uses, but the benefits of automation testing far exceed manual in many ways.

Automation testing can simplify test execution, speed up the test, reduce human error and increase test coverage. However, there are several types of automation tests. Choosing the right type can provide you with even more benefits and produce more profound testing results.

Automated Testing Tools

In software development and testing, not every problem can be fixed with one automation tool. However, when selecting an automation testing tool, you need to find one that suits your project’s scope and budget constraints and delivers effective and efficient test analysis.

Cypress, Selenium, Katalon, and Ranorex are among the most popular tools due to their flexibility, usability, and support. To determine which tool is best for your use, consider:

  • Platform, Types, and Technology: Opt for a system that supports unit, UI, data-driven, regression, and distributed testing of Windows applications.
  • Tester Skills: Focus on filling in skill gaps in your QA department.
  • Features: Look for the ability to implement checkpoints in databases to verify values or key functionality in your applications. Go for more features, not fewer.
  • Manual and Automation: Select a tool that can do both.
  • Collaboration: Can testers share their work with other developers?
  • Change + Result Management: Can you change the interface and see the results of tests through dashboards and logs? Are both user-friendly?
  • Data in & Data Out: Find a tool that lets you export your data to multiple sources.

To get a better idea of how the most popular automation testing tools compare to each other, read Rainforest’s article Cypress versus Selenium versus Katalon. Rainforest is in itself an automation testing tool that requires no-code for testing the visual layer of an application.

Types of Test Automation

In this section, we’ll clarify what each type of testing does and why it may be beneficial for your project. Automated testing is separated between the type of testing, type of tests, and phases.

Type of Testing

There are two types of testing:

  • Functional: Tests the real-world business application of the software. For example, a delivery app should be able to connect its users to open restaurants near them.
  • Non-function: Test the remaining requirements. For example, the delivery app should be fast, efficient and keep the user’s data and personal information private.

Type of Tests

There are six main types of test automation:

  • Integration Tests: Takes individual pieces of software and combines them.
  • Smoke Tests: Covers crucial features of the software before testing elsewhere.
  • Security Tests: Tries to locate vulnerabilities and security risks in the software.
  • Regression Tests: Checks if the software has regressed after a change.
  • Acceptance Tests: Determines how acceptable the software is to end-users.
  • Performance Tests: Evaluates responsiveness, load times, and stability.

Test Phases

There are three typical test phases for most software:

  • 1st Phase – Unit Phase: Tests individual components of a software.
  • 2nd Phase – API Phase: Tests for smooth integration between systems and software.
  • 3rd/Last Phase – UI Phase: Tests for end-user acceptance and software optimization.

Automated Test Frameworks

After determining what types of automated testing will be used in the project, a standardized testing framework is chosen. Standardization allows developers to test multiple projects at once without getting confused, which is optimal for businesses that are looking to scale.

There are three common test frameworks:

  • Linear: Best suited for small teams. Testers run tests for each individual test case.
  • Library Architecture: Groups tasks with common objectives to allow for test flexibility.
  • Modular Based: Organizes test cases into “modules” to be handled by a master script.

While this list isn’t by any means extensive, you’ll run into the above test automation types and frameworks as a software developer often, so it’s important to know and understand them.

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