
Here’s How You Can Enhance Your Solidity Programming Expertise

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Here’s How You Can Enhance Your Solidity Programming Expertise

Computer programming has evolved tremendously over the past 50-60 years. Many of us may have seen pictures of those giant computers from the 1950s or earlier. Since that time, computer hardware technology has dramatically improved, which should be quite obvious now, considering all the powerful laptops we are used to working on.

In addition to advancements in PC hardware, we have also seen many new developments when it comes to computer applications and the latest software development kits (SDKs), Blockchain technology, and the data structure itself, which was actually invented by Dr. Stuart Haber and his colleagues back in the early 1990s, was meaningfully applied to launch the Bitcoin network, a peer-to-peer electronic cash system in early 2009.

The emergence of distributed ledger tech (DLT)-based platforms has given rise to a wide range of computer programming applications. Following the launch of Bitcoin, the world of crypto got another big boost when Vitalik Buterin and his colleagues introduced Ethereum. They claimed that it was, in certain ways, better or more versatile than Bitcoin, because it allowed users to deploy decentralized applications (dApps).

With Ethereum, which is a Turing Complete language, software architects are able to build advanced software applications that include smart contracts. Although many experienced ETH developers like Vlad Zamir have noted that instead of calling them “smart contracts,” they should be called stored procedures, they have provided a lot of functionality. For example, it is possible to write programs using Solidity that allows users to program complex terms and conditions.

With computer languages like Solidity, it is possible to create a wide range of applications that can provide a diverse set of use-cases. But how does one learn Solidity? One of the best ways to learn a new programming language is to learn the fundamentals first.

Learn the Fundamentals

Computer science and computer programming fundamentals do not change too much from one language to another. For example, Solidity is an object-oriented, high-level language for writing smart contracts which are programs that “govern the behavior of accounts within the Ethereum state.”

What this means is that Solidity may be similar in some ways to C++ or Java, which are also object-oriented languages. So if someone has mastered the fundamentals of these older programming languages, then they can apply the same concepts to learn Solidity a lot faster. Essentially, computer programs are a set of instructions that may be written using If statements, looping structures, functions, and various other data structures that are quite similar across different programming languages. So if we can learn and master the basics, then we will be able to learn other more advanced concepts a lot quicker and more in-depth.

Taking Online Courses

Since we’re all living in the digital age, it’s easier than ever to interact with people online. We can easily join special interest groups on Facebook or even choose to follow special accounts on Twitter and LinkedIn. Usually, we will find many influencers or knowledgeable experts who will provide us a free-of-cost and informative video tutorial on just about any topic we can think of. And of course, we can take many engaging courses on Solidity via Udemy or other online portals.

Start to Actively Participate in Hackathons

In addition to becoming involved in the activities mentioned above, you may be interested in potentially earning sizable rewards for becoming a highly-skilled Solidity programmer. An excellent way to really master Solidity could involve taking part in a hackathon, specifically the Metis hackathon. The team behind Metis Layer-2, Optimum Rollup solutions for Ethereum will be conducting an engaging hackathon event that will let program participants earn a share of $1 million in crypto tokens.

Metis is an innovative project because they offer unique opportunities to develop a wide range of dApps and you can also choose to take part in charitable initiatives.

By participating in this hackathon, you would have the chance to refine and master those Solidity programming skills. For more details on this hackathon, click here.

Check Out How Other Programmers Write Code

If you want to become a highly-skilled developer, then you can start reviewing all the great source code that has been uploaded to Github repositories. You’re really blessed and lucky if you have chosen to become a blockchain and smart contract developer because there’s a ton of open-source code available for you to review. You can definitely become an expert Solidity programmer by reading all the technical documentation and source code available for free.

By simply seeing how others write programs, you can pick up all the tricks and standard ways of writing basic to advanced software applications.

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