
10 Design Tips to Create Professional Business Flyers

4 Mins read

82% of customers trust printed ads like flyers while making a buying decision. Flyers remain one of the most effective, affordable, and versatile ways to promote your brand, product, or service as they offer a cost-effective solution for mass distribution. Today, flyers can be used for both offline (printed flyers) and online marketing (newsletters). Yet, there are some nuances to keep in mind when designing business flyers so that they look professional and creative.

Here Are 10 Crucial Tips To Create Impressive Business Flyers

Flyers are one of the most effective tools to engage people with a brand and its product/service. Why should your brand create flyers? Just imagine, 10% of customers reported spending about 30 minutes per week reading the digital or printed flyer ads. In this way, you can reach out to thousands of people at a time to grow your business and improve brand recognition. Below, we outlined 10 tips to create impressive and effective flyers for your business. Let’s elaborate on them.

#1 Use a Flyer Maker

When it comes to the creation of flyers, there’s no need to reinvent the wheel. You’re a lucky one to have a wide choice of programs and services that offer a lot of templates that will not only save you time, nerves, and money but it will also ensure that all the elements are in place.

Thus, you can use Crello, which is a business flyer maker with tons of flyer templates, HD images, stock videos, and many other kinds of visuals on offer. There is a wide choice of pre-designed templates of flyers with customizable colors, fonts, images, shapes, and other features and elements. Using this tool, you can design really pro-looking flyers in minutes despite your designer skills. However, to design a flyer that will convert readers into customers, you need to define some basics, research your target audience, set objectives, and build a strategy.

#2 Strategize and Plan Your Message

If you want to create an effective flyer, it’s essential to know the following things:

  • The aim of the flyer;
  • Your target audience;
  • The message you want to convey.

It’s crucial to plan what your flyer is about and how you’re going to deliver that message to your customers. Only in such a way do you manage to create impactful copy that will appeal to your audience. Make sure to implement keywords to make your message bolder and brighter.

#3 Focus On One Key Message and Add Clear Call to Action

One flyer — one message. Don’t confuse your readers, focus on one key message and emphasize it on your flyer. If you want to drive the result with the help of flyers, then it’s critical to set and add a clear call-to-action (CTA). Say what you expect from the readers like “Contact Us”, “Order Now”, “Call Us”, “Come to Our Office”, “Attend Our Event”, “Book a Ticket”, and so on to maximize the effectiveness of your flyers.

#4 Reflect Your Brand Character and Use Your Brand Elements

People should associate a flyer with your brand and/or company at the first glance. Consistency is a key to building trust and brand recognition. Thus, designing a flyer, make sure that you incorporate the identity of your brand into it. To make sure your flyer design is on-brand, check if it includes such brand identity elements as logo, website URL, and tagline.

10 Design Tips to Create Professional Business Flyers

#5 Keep It Simple

Don’t overcomplicate your flyer, keep it simple and readable. Here are few tips on how to make it simple but eye-catching:

  • Choose your style that reflects your brand and be consistent with it.
  • Stick to 2-3 colors of your brand color palette.
  • Limit your font choices to 2-3 that not only go together but are easy to read even from a distance.

#6 Design With Your Audience In Mind

If you want to create effective and successful flyers, you need to make them with your target audience in mind. Communicate using your target market’s language and use the right images, styles, icons, and other elements that will be appealing to your customers. Yet, don’t forget about your brand tone of voice as well.

#7 Keep Your Content Brief and Readable

Usually, the area of flyers is limited. So, it’s crucial not to overwhelm it. Leave only the essentials and key information to keep your readers engaged. You can achieve that by following the next tips:

  • Create a catchy headline to hook readers at the first glance;
  • Divide your copy into digestible sections to make the information more accessible;
  • Use bullet points and infographics to make the information easier to understand.

#8 Use High-Quality Images

Photography, pictures, graphics, infographics, or any other visuals used for the flyer must be of the highest quality. According to the study, the brain processes visuals 60,000 times faster than plain text. Thus, it’s crucial to use relevant images when creating a flyer to draw people in. Yet, if the will be blurred or indistinct, you can mar the impression of the potential buyers about your brand and/or product. Also, use the visuals in the same color palette with your brand and/or support the message you convey.

#9 Include Directions and Your Contact Information

It doesn’t matter if you create flyers for online or offline purposes, it’s crucial to provide customers with information on how they can find and contact you. Add maps, directions, QR codes, website URL, your social media information, phone numbers, emails, messengers, and so on.

#10 Use The Right Kind Of Paper For Offline Flyers

In case you are going to print your flyer, then pay attention to the paper quality. It’s better to choose durable paper that is thick enough and use a professional printer. Making flyers of high quality increases customer loyalty to your brand and people keep it with them as a sign of some luxury.

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