
7 Tips On How To Hire The Right Dot Net Developer

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7 Tips On How To Hire The Right Dot Net Developer

.NET is a software platform created by Microsoft in the 1990s for Microsoft Windows. It allows you to develop applications using multiple programming languages. Many resources, including Stack Overflow. For example, they are based on this technology. So it’s no surprise that .NET developers are in high demand.

Where .NET Developers Spend Their Free Time

In technical recruitment, it is extremely important to understand which online resources you can find a specialist of interest. Developers seeking to learn and share knowledge about .NET projects can be found in

It is necessary to use such resources carefully, do not forget that job search is far from the only goal with which developers come to professional resources.

.NET is a complex technology, take the opportunity to learn more about it by asking questions of the most active members of our communities. In addition to improving your technical skills, you show developers that you are interested in something other than closing a job.

Websites You Like

Track your first impressions of the work featured in the candidate’s portfolio. Try to put yourself in the shoes of the customers of these sites. Do you like these works? Pay attention not only to the design, but also to the quality of the layout, meta tags, and other important details. It’s good if your portfolio already has a site that matches your tasks in many ways. This will make it easier for you to guess whether you will be happy with the developer’s work.

As we have already seen, web studios can create great works and can create works of, to put it mildly, unsatisfactory quality. Moreover, there are much more studios of the second type. The situation with private webmasters is similar. Why is this the case in the Russian web development market? The answer is extremely simple.

Many studios are unable to provide the list of services they claim for two reasons.

The studio has no employees who can perform the declared services (most often this is the promotion (“promotion”) of sites). The service is on the list because all competing studios have it. And the point. If you suddenly manage to “persuade” the client to promote the site by accident, then the work is done by a person who does not understand at all about site promotion. Naturally, such an “advance” fails miserably.

7 Tips On How To Hire The Right Dot Net Developer

As a result, several completely different directions are led by one specialist. Of course, such a “jack of all trades” cannot know all the subtleties of even one of the directions. Most often, in such cases, the directions of site design suffer (the site design is performed by a programmer or layout designer, without having a clear understanding of the design process) or site promotion (the same universal programmer, layout designer, or a designer, in general, is engaged in promotion). Of course, you can say that this is nonsense. Alas, this is the harsh truth.
Once a month, I go through job vacancies in web studios to keep track of the market situation. In each case, not a narrow specialist is required, but a person who must combine two or three specialists in himself! What quality of work can we talk about here?
Not every studio is actually a studio! At least once a week, I come across would-be specialists who have just mastered the spreadsheet layout, installed a pirated version of the visual editor on their computer, and churn out sites that do not meet any standard! Rather, these sites partially comply with the standards, only these standards were relevant about 7-10 years ago.

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