
5 Must-Have Programming Languages for Cybersecurity

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5 Must-Have Programming Languages for Cybersecurity

For security veterans, future developers, and security enthusiasts alike, the plain truth is that the tech terrain is evolving rapidly. As a result, the cybersecurity sector is not only trendy but also quite challenging.

Considering the competitive landscape, it’s imperative to understand some programming languages to help you stay ahead of the pack. Here are some of the programming languages necessary in the cybersecurity sector.


HTML is a markup language and also the most fundamental programming language. It’s vital because it’s used by almost every website on the internet. We consider HTML as the slow walk before you can learn how to walk. This language is quite popular and is used by 90.7% of all websites.

Hackers can integrate HTML code into web pages in a widespread multi-site scripting attack. Normally, hackers use HTML to circulate false information or deform a website. And in content spoofing, cybercriminals can manipulate the code in a web application. This can make the code visible to visitors of the webpage.

Understanding the HTML language can help you get a job as a front-end developer in most organizations. In this position, some of your responsibilities would be the deployment of mitigation measures against cross-site scripting and content spoofing while developing applications and webpages.


C is the best programming language for reverse engineering threats and identifying exposures. Notably, this programming language has been in use since 1970, but it’s still a popular choice because it’s simpler to learn.

C enables a programmer to create and deploy low-level code. Security-conscious cyber professionals will use C to ensure websites have zero susceptibilities. And on the other hand, hackers often use C to find website exposures for tampering with the website.

Lint is the basic code analysis tool for the C language and was developed in 1978. Since its inception, many variations have hit the market. Lint is mostly used for discovering programming errors, technical errors, and bugs.

Becoming proficient in the C language can get you a job as a cybersecurity defense analyst. And in this position, you will be in charge of finding out exposures, threats and developing threat analysis protocols.


Python is essential in helping programmers conduct malware research and automate tasks. In addition, there is a huge third-party scripts library that is freely accessible. Typically, a script kiddie is one of the popular terms in the hacking arena, especially by people who only rely on scripts because they can’t build their own code. This programming approach is meant for script kiddies and is also used by hacking tools like Auto Sploit.

Manipulating remote computer systems is among the common tricks used by hackers, and Auto Sploit is designed to automate the process. The Python script relies on a command-line interface and records to retrieve data from the Shodan database.

If you understand what cybersecurity is and the Python language, a SOC support specialist is among the job roles you can take. In this role, you’ll be required to create scripts and tools that secure websites from cyber-attacks. You can also use data logs and artifacts to analyze deeper issues and point out the problems.


C++ programming language is an augmented version of the C language. It was first introduced in 1985, but it is different from C. C++ assists in handling classes and objects that C doesn’t support. It is not only faster but also outperforms C. Nevertheless, C++ is only used on less than 0.1% of all websites.

Flawfinder is the analysis tool designed for finding vulnerabilities in both C++ and C codes. This tool contains an in-built database of language processes that hunt for known threats like race disorders, format string problems, impoverished random-number accession, and buffer overflow issues.

And since both C and C++ are related, most employers prefer applicants who possess a broad understanding of the languages. If you are considering a cybersecurity career, this programming language is very important for success in the field.


JavaScript is one of the most prominent and extensively used programming languages. While it’s a standard programming language, it is employed in at least 95% of all websites.

If you are familiar with React JS or NodeJS, then you already know that JavaScript is the common programming language. Therefore, this implies that websites or applications using the language can be targeted for malicious manipulation.

Typically, JavaScript enables developers to deploy any code when visitors are on the website. While this enhances the site’s overall functionality, it can be used to generate an adverse functionality without the visitor’s knowledge.

An adequate understanding of the JavaScript language can help you get the position of a JavaScript specialist in the cybersecurity space. Some of the responsibilities in this position include ensuring security against cyberattacks, designing user interfaces in websites, and managing the development protocols for API techniques.


Cybersecurity is more than just understating potential vulnerabilities and mitigation measures. A successful cybersecurity professional should learn to think and act like a hacker. Therefore, extensive knowledge of various programming languages will enable you to anticipate a hacker’s strategy and deploy appropriate mitigation measures. Nevertheless, it’s not compulsory to learn every programming language, but understanding the basic languages is vital.

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