
Top 10 Important Considerations For Data Backups

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Top 10 Important Considerations For Data Backups

Data backup is essential to the safety and protection of data for businesses. However, it is not just enough that you’ve decided to have backups. When deciding to back up your data, it is essential to consider some important factors that will determine how well the backup and recovery process will go. Here are some of those things to consider if you want to ensure a hitch-free backup and recovery experience.

Test Your Backups Regularly

It’s not just enough to worry about malware attacks or data loss, and you want to make sure your backups are error-free as well. This is why you should test them regularly to confirm.

Adhere  To The 3-2-1 Backup Rule

It’s important to keep 3 copies of your data; the original and two backups. Both backups should be on separate storage mediums with one off-site to avoid a loss to physical disasters.

Ensure Your Backup Provider Encrypts Your Data

You should make sure that your backup provider provides formidable encryption before data compression. After this, make sure your encryption keys are stored retrievably and securely.

Use The Hybrid Backup System

It’s always better to keep a hybrid backup system which entails having not only a digital backup of your data but physical ones as well that are securely kept.

Catalogue And Prioritize Your Data

This is in the event of a data loss warranting massive recovery, cataloging & prioritizing which data to restore first makes business operations quicker to resume during recovery.

Backup Cost And Cost-Effectiveness

Sometimes the pricing of a backup provider does not determine its effectiveness. You want to ensure that not only are you paying big money, but also getting value for it.

Flexibility  Of Backup And Recovery

Since having a backup is only half the job, the recovery process is just as important. While contemplating your backups, you had better worry about the flexibility of the recovery process as well.

Backup Scalability

As your data grows, so does your backup capacity. Your backup provider should then be able to take in these new data volumes as soon as they’re available to ensure maximum efficiency.

Backup Automation

Relying on manual input is bad backup culture since people tend to forget or make mistakes. This is why scheduling your backup is essential so that it frequently runs as new data is formed. It’s better when your automation is tailored to each work system and its workflow demands.

Responsive Customer Support

Responsive customer care is very important because there’s no telling when you’d encounter an issue with your backup or recovery process requiring the expertise of the customer support. Thus, it’s better to opt for a backup service with 24/7 support so you can get help any time of the day.

Considering the best data backup practices is essential to efficient backup and recovery. If you’re looking for a backup solution that ticks all the boxes, you might want to consider NAKIVO. Check NAKIVO’s official website as a first step to provide your data safety by following the best backup practices, reducing the risk of data corruption or loss.

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