
7 Ways to Check If Your Proxy Is Leaking Your IP Address

4 Mins read
7 Ways to Check If Your Proxy Is Leaking Your IP Address

You have invested in a proxy server because you know the advantages of having one. The proxy provides anonymity and privacy while browsing. You get security because it sieves content from remote websites.

The proxy also allows you to access content from sites with geographical restrictions. Data encryption also seals any areas of vulnerability hackers can use to access your site.

However, sometimes you may not be getting all the benefits of your proxy. This happens when your proxy is leaking your IP address. But, how will you know if this is happening?

Our article will teach you seven ways to check if your proxy is leaking your IP address. Let’s dive into it. 


How Proxies Hide Your IP Address

A proxy is an internet computer that has its IP address. It becomes a gateway between you and the internet. All requests from your server go through the proxy. The remote server will see the proxy IP address and not yours.

Different proxies work in different ways to hide your IP address. A SOCKS proxy forms a shield that covers your address. It does not interfere with Your IP in any way because it continues to exist but underneath the surface. 

What Happens When There Is An IP Address Leak?

Think about your home address is accessible to anyone at any time. You cannot be sure of security and privacy. The same happens when your IP or online address is visible to everyone.

You will no longer enjoy that anonymity or privacy. You become an easy target for content and ads that are annoying. You also lose the advantage of being able to bypass website restrictions. You also lose the benefits proxies have for your business.

If you start to notice some of the things we have highlighted, your IP address may be leaking.

Here is What you Need to Do to Confirm the Same. 

Checking For IP Address Proxy Leaks

You can run some very simple tests that will tell you whether your IP address is leaking. Let’s dive into it.

Use browserleaks.com To Check for IP Address Leaks

You only need to login to browserleaks.com to get all the information. You will get this page.

7 Ways to Check If Your Proxy Is Leaking Your IP Address

It carries out different tests, including WebRTC leak tests, DNS leak test, and flash leak tests.

Check for IP Address Leaks with Windows

You can use Windows to check for IP address leaks. You will need to know your IP address and the proxy server one as well. Now follow the steps below.

  • Launch the command prompt on your computer
  • Type in pingtestservername.com-n1 on the search bar
  • This screen will come up

7 Ways to Check If Your Proxy Is Leaking Your IP Address

Now confirm that the IP address that comes up is not the same as the original one.

Search For IP Address Leaks With Google.Com

Your favorite search engine will allow you to search for IP address leaks. You follow the same process as you would if you are searching.

  • You must first disable your proxy.
  • Now go to the search bar and type in what is my IP address. The first results on the page will show your IP address. Please take note of it by jotting it down somewhere.
  • Now enable your proxy and run the search again.

If you get a different IP address, then you are safe. It shows that your proxy is shielding your original IP.

Identify DNS Leaks with dnsleaktest.com

Your online phone book is the domain name system or DNS. Your ISP assigns you a DNS when you sign up. If your proxy bypasses the Proxy DNS and goes to the default, your IP address becomes visible to anyone on the online platform.

Follow the Steps Below

  • Log in to the website; you will get this screen.

7 Ways to Check If Your Proxy Is Leaking Your IP Address

  • Now decide on the test you want to run, whether standard or extended. By clicking on the former, this is what you will get.

7 Ways to Check If Your Proxy Is Leaking Your IP Address

Use whatismyip.com to check for IP address Leaks

Many online resources will help you run IP leak tests. One such tool is whatsmyip.com. Simply log onto the platform, and you will get a screen like this.

The platform gives exact details, including your country, region, and city.

The next step is to log in to a proxy from a different country from yours. If the IP address that comes up is the same as what you have on whatsmyip.com, you have a problem. It means that your proxy server is not concealing your address.

Check Torrent Leaks Online

You probably use torrents to access content for entertainment, software, or even music. To check for torrent leaks, search for private checkers online. IPMagnet, for example, will require you to download the software.

When you log in, you will get a page like this

7 Ways to Check If Your Proxy Is Leaking Your IP Address.

  • Click on the magnet link to download the tool.
  • Open it with the torrent you normally use.
  • Once it completes the scan, you will get two IP addresses.

7 Ways to Check If Your Proxy Is Leaking Your IP Address

One should be for the torrent client, the other your original one. If your results show your IP address for both, you have a proxy IP address leak.

WebTRC Leak Tests with ipleak.org

WerbRTC is important for push notifications. You have the option of disabling it in your browser. It may, however, compromise some of the default settings. The other option is to keep up with testing your website to avoid IP address leaks. ipleak.org is easy to use. Simply log in, and you will get a page like this.

7 Ways to Check If Your Proxy Is Leaking Your IP Address

Final Thoughts

A proxy server will give you privacy and anonymity while online. You also get to excess contents that may not be available within your graphical location. However, you may get an IP address leak, which you need to correct immediately. If not, your address will be visible to everyone using the internet.

We have shared 6 Ways you can use to check for IP address leaks. The steps are simple to follow. It allows you to take the necessary measures to restore your privacy.

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