
The 5 Best Apps for Every Android User

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The 5 Best Apps for Every Android User

If you are an Android user, you are probably always on the lookout for good apps to download. With so many, it can be difficult to know what the best ones are. In fact, there are around 2.56 million apps available in the Google Play store right now that you can choose from.

However, we have narrowed down the search for the best Android apps. Based on user rating and personal experience, here are five of the best apps that every Android user should have on their device.


Are you trying to lose weight or stay on track with your fitness? Perhaps it is time to download MyFitnessPal. This is an app that helps you track your calories and how much you burn during and exercise. It has a huge library of foods to make this process easier and you can log all your dinners and snacks quickly.


If you work on your mobile device then you need to get Evernote. This is one of the best note-taking apps around and it can help you stay organized. You can easier use text, images and voice notes to create a board that you need. Whether you are creating a to-do list for later on or working on a project, you can keep it all together with Evernote. Since it can take advantage of cloud storage, you can also access your notes on your other devices when you want to.

Brave Privacy Browser

Security should always be a priority when you are online. You want to make sure that nobody has access to your sensitive information, especially when you are browsing on a public Wi-Fi- network. The good thing about the Brave Browser is that it has ad and pop-up blockers built in. It puts your privacy first and avoids third party cookies too. 

You can stay secure when you are surfing the internet. What’s more, users like the minimalist and simple design of this browser too. If you are looking for an antivirus app for your Android device, check out what best antivirus says about them.


If you are trying to budget and keep track of your finances then you should download Mint. This is a free app that is easy to use and allows you to get your finances in order. You can set notifications to make sure that you always pay your bills on time. you can also set financial goals and ensure you always know what you are spending. We love how it is simple to view and lets you see everything at a glance.

Adobe Lightroom

In the age of social media, everybody is editing their photos and wanting them to look perfect. If this is something that you enjoy doing then we would recommend Adobe Lightroom. This is free to download and still provides you with fantastic photo editing capabilities right in the palm of your hand. For example, you can edit the color and lighting in an image, as well as make corrections.

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