
4 Eye-Opening Reasons There’s Value in Secondhand Tech

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4 Eye-Opening Reasons There’s Value in Secondhand Tech

Whether it’s the latest smartphone or a recent release of a trendy Apple product, consumers are quick to buy the newest devices without caution. Keeping up with the influx of new products in the market is enough to make anyone’s head spin, with companies trying to outdo one another. However, staying ahead is not always the best option when it comes to being a smart consumer.

Gadgets and software products nowadays are in a rush to be out in the market. The race for public attention leaves a lot of room for revisions and even payment refunds and product returns for “unfinished” devices. Here are four reasons for playing the waiting game can be the best option for the smart and thrifty consumer in today’s technological age.

Noticing the Signs of “Buyer, Beware”

With a technologically advanced generation that’s always on the lookout for the newest trends, consumers are quick to fall for untested features. One debut that comes to mind is the release of the Galaxy Fold, which was a disaster due to samples breaking from its folding function.

Samsung marketed the product for its “revolutionary” technology of having a bendable touch-screen function. But the less-than-perfect early samples led to consumers and investors alike to doubt the brand’s capability, with a $2,000 price tag on their gadget.

One of the more recent blunders with regards to the latest tech around is the unveiling of Tesla’s Cybertruck. After an embarrassing debut leaving online spectators and investors worried over their trust in the brand, Elon Musk is in the media hot seat.

Consumers should know how to see the signs of untested products. Beyond bedazzling ads and promotional unboxing videos, user reviews are one of the more reliable sources to find out whether a product is worth buying.

4 Eye-Opening Reasons There’s Value in Secondhand Tech

Investing in Sustainability

Buying the latest gadgets can prove to be unpredictable and a pain to fix when broken. The latest technologies are usually operating on product parts that aren’t yet accessible to the market. Having brand-new parts of a product means that finding replacement pieces like screens, batteries, and the like can be tough to do.

Instead of riding the wave of changing gadgets every other year, buying a more robust model of a gadget is the most financially viable option. For someone who’s looking for sustainability, the best course of action is looking through secondhand devices that have proven the test of time.

Desktop computers, for example, are made up of separate pieces, making it an excellent choice for a device that won’t be a pain to maintain. Older models of laptops, speaker systems, and smartphones are also easy to fix and rebuild. One can easily get refurbished or used laptops online. Comparing their prices and models is an effective way to confirm user reviews on a product’s effectiveness while making the right choice for one’s money.

Consider investing in a multiport adapter if you plan on making the most use out of your gadgets. If you plan on making an office station with the laptop or desktop computers you have, adapters are a great way to connect electronic equipment together minus the fuss and several meters of wires that may clutter the space. Maximize your time, performance, and effort

Waiting Does Not Cost Anything

Time waits for no one, but tech prices are different. There is a great value to learn when it comes to holding back on buying the latest gadgets. Waiting for a few months instead of contributing to the number of people rushing to buy upon release can show a drastic drop in prices.

Holiday sales attract huge swarms of buyers, but after a few months, the prices on gadgets could shift up or down depending on public interest. Besides looking at price drops in commercial shops, buying newly bought secondhand products is also a viable option. Playing it safe and waiting won’t cost anything, so it’s better to sit back and wait things out.

Reducing Humanity’s Carbon Footprint

E-waste is a serious issue, with 2012 showing only 29 percent of the $206 billion worth of tech products allocated to recycling. Approaching a new decade has made people more aware of the environmental consequences of their lifestyles. The constant release of more modern models of gadgets has created a surplus in an unsustainable and harmful lifestyle for the planet.

Manufacturers, even as early as 1924, develop “artificial life spans” of products by making sure that they have a limited life span of product usage. An infamous manufacturer cartel between light bulb manufacturers ensured that they would have a monopoly on the expiration and sale of their products.

Besides having a planned expiration date for “older models,” manufacturers are choosing to discontinue tech support and updates for older models. The forceful phasing out of products entices consumers to buy the latest gadgets instead of sticking with older models.

Buying secondhand is no longer just about a limitation on one’s budget but is also a strong movement to help save the environment.

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