
Top 7 App Store Optimization Strategy You Must Use in 2019 & Beyond

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Top 7 App Store Optimization Strategy You Must Use in 2019 & Beyond

There are many strategies that you would want to make sure that you are using when it comes to optimization of your app store and your application. You should make sure that you are aware of what they are so that you can implement them, including understanding the search behavior and needs of the client. Here are just 7 of the best strategies that you are going to want to use during 2019 and in the future.

Understanding the Needs of Your Customer and the Natural Searching Behavior

You should ensure that you are fully understanding what your customers need and what is the natural searching behavior of any audience. There are many questions that you should make sure that you are asking, such as: What language are they naturally using? What reason would they undertake a search for my application?

What are the reasons they would download or use the application that I made? What is the advantage that I have over my competition with my customers? Once you understand how they think and what is important to them, then you can start to put everything together and get an idea of what you need to do.

Creating and Using a Title That is Descriptive

You should always make sure that you are giving your application a descriptive title since it is critical to be able to pinpoint the keywords that are going to be used to make a first impression with the consumers. Think about using some of the more “difficult” keywords in the title since it can help to differ in terms of readability in the description even maximizing the application based keywords.

Maximization of The Keywords

A lot of the strategies that are used could be put into any application store, but you should know that both the App Store and Google Play have different methods for optimizing your keywords. The App Store only has a keyword field that is 100 characters long, which also inputs the application title along with any other keywords that you put within here. This would help them to determine which categories should be applied to your application based on the searches undertaken by the customers.

However, Google Play Store uses another method when it comes to maximizing the keywords, which is closer to SEO. It doesn’t use any keywords, but instead scans the application along with the description and gives you some 4000 characters for you to describe it in face-value, natural language for the customers.

Ensure That the Description You Are Writing is Compelling

You should think about the description that you are writing about your application and what the purpose is while you are keeping the customer in mind. The description must be in a “readable” format and easy to understand for the customers who are looking for, downloading and even using the app. You should also make sure that you should be changing or even updating the description when any updates are done by the app store, which can help you to enjoy the new features and that all of the updates are displayed properly.

Using Screenshots That Are of the Highest Quality

One of the things that any customer is going to look for is some screenshots of the application and you want to make sure that you are giving them the best first impression possible. You should ensure that you know the number of screenshots that you can use for various stores, which includes 8 for the Android-based ones and 5 for the iOS App Store. However, only 3 are going to be seen when the app page is loaded, so make sure that you are picking the best ones and that they are the highest quality possible.

Choosing the Right Category For Your Application

You also want to ensure that you are choosing the right category or categories that would be used for your application to ensure that it is successful. This will tell the app stores where and when to load the application and where the rank should be shown. If you are creating a social media-related application, then you are going to want to pick the right one, including “news”. You should make sure that you are studying the purpose of your application, the market that you are putting it in to and ensure that you are standing out from all of your competitors.

Designing and Using An App Icon That is Unique

Icons aren’t going to have any effect directly on the search rankings in the app store, but they are just as critical. You want to make sure that you have an icon for the app stores that are unique and that is going to keep you standing out from all of the other applications that are already uploaded. 

Make sure that you are aware of the sizes that can be uploaded in terms of icons for the various app stores since iOS allows for 1024 by 1024 pixels, while Google Play store only allows for a 512 by 512 icon. However, no matter what store you are going to be uploading the application in you want to ensure that you have an icon that is bright, clean and that has some unique shapes that convey the purpose of the application. This icon is going to be the first impression that most customers have, so make sure that you give them something to really remember.

Optimization of the application stores can be tough, but if you know some of the best strategies, tricks, and tips you can optimize the application from numerous angles. You can let the audience know what the application can do for them and help them to understand it through a clear and concise description along with making sure that the screenshots that you post are high quality. Make sure that you are putting these strategies into use for your optimization of your application in any application store where you are uploading it to bring in more customers.

Still, Have a doubt? connect with App Store Optimization Company!

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