
4 Common Indexing Issues in E-Commerce Stores

3 Mins read

If the road leading to a brick-and-mortar retail store had huge potholes or redirected traffic due to construction, that store would probably lose business. The same is true when an e-commerce site has indexing issues. Few online companies can rely on direct traffic alone to generate enough revenue. For most online brands, organic traffic plays a significant role.

But you’ll have a hard time generating organic traffic if search engines aren’t crawling your site correctly. To set your store up for success, be aware of these four common indexing issues in e-commerce stores.

Duplicate Content

Duplicate content can be a killer for e-commerce sites. Why? Google and other search engines have something called a “crawl budget.” For most sites, having duplicate content, meaning identical content that exists on multiple pages, won’t impact crawl budget. But e-commerce stores usually have a lot of pages, which is where the risks start to develop.
A lot of things can cause duplicate content. Start by doing a “” search in Google to see an approximate amount of pages indexed. If the number appears too high or too low, you can cross check your indexed pages with a tool like Screaming Frog or NetPeak Spider. From here, you can use canonical tags, nofollow attributes and robots.txt to keep areas of your site from being crawled.


A 404 code means the page cannot be found. Having 404s isn’t a problem in itself; the web is continuously changing and broken links are inevitable. And while Google claims 404s don’t impact search rankings, they absolutely do impact user experience. If you’re getting 404s on high-trafficked pages, your traffic can also take an immediate dive.

Use 301 redirects to fix important 404s, but don’t go overboard redirecting every 404 on your site. Focus on the 404 pages that have backlinks, receive traffic, or are closely related to an existing page. You can see a list of your store’s 404 codes in Google Search Console under ‘Crawl’ and then “Crawl Errors.” To retain traffic on a 404 page, create a custom 404 page explaining the issue and list other pages the user might want to check out.

Redirect Loops

There are five types of redirects in SEO, but the primary one to be concerned with is a 301, or permanent redirect. Imagine you’re selling makeup from home and your product selection runs into the tens of thousands. What do you do every time a product is discontinued? You don’t want a defunct page to sit there, so you 301 redirect the page (page a) to a comparable product from a different brand you carry (page b). Fast-forward a year, and you discontinue that brand. But now you’re selling a new (but similar) product by the original brand (page a), so you redirect the page back to the original URL. You’ve now created an infinite redirect loop, dooming any visitor who comes to your site from page b to never-ending loading.

Sitemap Issues

When you have a large e-commerce site and want to ensure you’re communicating clearly with search engines, creating a sitemap is like providing a translator. Without a proper sitemap, search engines may not crawl the deeper levels of your pages as much, or at all (though, your site’s domain authority also plays a factor).

Check the status of your sitemap in Google Search Console under ‘Crawl,’ then “Sitemaps.” If Google is having issues with your sitemap, you’ll have a warning. As an e-commerce store, you should regularly make sure your sitemaps are accurate, especially as your product offering changes. It’s also best practice to link smaller sitemaps together if you have a ton of pages rather than have one big one as Google will only allow sitemaps up to 10MB. Though, to be fair, 10MB equals 50,000 pages.

Running a successful e-commerce store means mastering a non-stop rotation of varying details. When it comes to the longevity of your store, nothing is more important than an SEO-structured, user-friendly site. You’ll have an easier time achieving these goals when you regularly monitor your e-commerce store for these four common indexing issues.

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