
The future Of AI In Education

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The future of AI in education

Artificial intellect attracts the interest of representatives of many professions in different branches, but in today’s article, our team in collaboration with essay writing solutions will emphasize your attention on its concept, spheres of its application, and in particular impact of AI on education.

What Is AI?

Artificial intelligence is a relatively young science that studies the concept of human intelligence, the basis of its processes, to create a model of behavior that is as close to a real person as possible. This science has many facets and includes the experience of research in other scientific disciplines, such as physics, psychology, biology, logic, mathematics, engineering, programming and computer technologies.

It is difficult to define a concept of intelligence of the person precisely since it is not entirely studied and still has many questions. Can creativity and intuition be considered a part of the intellect? How is the mind being formed? How does the person’s life experience affect it? How does a person’s behavior reflect the degree of his intelligence? Is it possible to recreate the pattern of human behavior using machine technologies?

The problem of creating artificial intelligence is explained by the fact that the essence of the human intellect is not fully understood and does not have a single definition. Intellect combines the ability to perceive new information, its analysis, logical thinking processes, learning, etc. The artificial intelligence is engaged in projecting these human abilities in engine developments. At the moment work on artificial intelligence consists in the creation of programs with identical to human behavior patterns that are used in those or other life situations. 

The Application Fields Of AI

Computer technologies have become so firmly integrated into modern life that now it is difficult to imagine a sphere of activity that does not resort to the help of smart devices. They greatly facilitate our work, since they successfully share our responsibilities. In such areas as medicine, education, business, science, entertainment, the fight against crime, the solution of numerous domestic issues the demand for programs of artificial intelligence is particularly high.

Despite a large number of mistakes and unsuccessful attempts of developers at the beginning of their way, such extensive use of AI in our days demonstrates huge benefits of electronic assistants and their further progress. The reasons for such popularity of artificial intelligence in our daily life is the availability of machines those features that people lack. Thus, there is a symbiosis between human and computer abilities, which leads to a simplification of the working process and better results.

AI is capable of automating even those processes which used to need the participation of the human. If the first step in simplifying of the working process at the plant were the mechanization and robotization of the individual operations that human was supposed to manage, the next step was the delegating of control responsibilities to the smart intelligence.

The advantage of artificial intelligence is that it can quickly process and analyze big amount of information and calculate the variants using a variety of factors. And in this direction AI provides qualitatively better results in comparison with a human. Also, the machine excludes the human factor; its performance does not depend on emotions and personal problems. As a result, artificial intellect has found its place in almost all existing spheres of human activity and every year reveals to us more and more of its capabilities.

List Of Major Shifts That AI Will Allow For Schools

It is not surprising that in the background of the general development of artificial intelligence, innovations have also touched upon the sphere of education. AI plays an essential role in training and development. Artificial intelligence in educational institutions can be used for the following purposes:

1. Explanation Of New Material

Such a program can act as an instructor, coach, curator or teacher. The system performs functions of the virtual teacher who familiarize students with the new training material and lectures. A coach can help with setting goals and tracking your progress. The curator will help you to deal with organizational issues, and the instructor will step by step explain how to perform the task. Each student can get detailed individual answers in a couple of mouse clicks depending on the requests he has set.

2. Creating Learning Content

Preparation of educational materials and their lecturing is a responsibility of the teacher, and its implementation takes even more time than direct interaction with students. With the artificial intelligence system, the teacher can delegate this responsibility and concentrate on discussing of the information with the students, analyzing of what was heard and answering the possible questions. The program takes on the routine work and releases time for a more individual approach to each student.

3. Cooperation With The Whole World

The symbiosis of artificial intelligence with virtual social networks has removed the boundaries of students not only in one educational institution but all over the world. With this innovation, students have the opportunity to communicate in video or text mode with peers and teachers from any country, share their impressions, find out differences in methods of teaching, discuss questions and look for ideas for projects, just entering the request.

4. Individualization Of The Educational Process

If earlier in the beginning of the academic year the issue of buying all necessary textbooks and workbooks was particularly embarrassing, artificial intelligence helped to diversify the system of education through an individual design of the educational process for each student. The teacher, depending on the needs of the student, can form a separate program for him, based on his perceptual features. The content can be in the form of a video lesson, a practical assignment, a group chat, an editable worksheet, etc.

5. Professional Development Of Teachers

Due to various factors, teachers’ professional development was not easy to organize and implement. Even if the teacher would like to attend any training, conference or workshop, he could not make such a decision on his own; first, he must get permission from the administration. But after the introduction of artificial intelligence into the training system, teachers become able to join any upgrading course depending on their needs and desires without problems.

6. Fair Distance Learning

Special smart programs recognize any attempt of cheating or deception to make sure that students who have a remote form of studying fulfill all their assignments and tests fairly. They can track the behavior of many users at the same time: are there any helping person in the room, are there any additional voice, how often the person looks away from the monitor if the person tries to change the tab in the browser. All these actions are fixed as violations. In exceptional cases, the system gives a signal to the procurator to pay attention to one or another student. Then they can be watched on the webcam.

Summarizing, it can be said that AI is not able to completely replace the work of a human, but is designed to help make the studying process more qualitative, comfortable and practical, both for students and for teachers.

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