
Reasons For Trusting The Superior Data Security Of Cloud Salesforce

4 Mins read
Reasons For Trusting The Superior Data Security Of Cloud Salesforce

Trust is fundamental in choosing any cloud computing service, and it develops from the amount of data security that you avail. When you are sure of complete data protection, there is every reason to trust the service. 

The other factor that plays a significant role in choosing the cloud service provider is reliability that is closely associated with trust. Salesforce DX, the latest version of the platform bears the hallmarks of superior data security that does not leave anything to doubt. 
Thus, when using the Salesforce cloud platform, you stay assured that your data is more secure than ever before because of the continuous process of improvement that addresses all ongoing concerns of users. 
Despite the robust security measures, users remain skeptical due to lack of proper understanding of security systems.

Ignorance Leads To Apprehension

Users are very sensitive about the security of cloud computing because of their concern about the precious data they store in the cloud that is worth more than the most valuable possessions. Perhaps the invisible existence of the cloud has something to do with the apprehension about its vulnerability. Users might feel that data would remain more secure when stored in front of the eyes, on site, although this is not at all correct. 

While the debate continues, there should not be any concern about cloud security because 64% of enterprise companies use the cloud because they consider it safer and secure than legacy systems. The trust on cloud security reflects the attitude of the majority of cloud users (87%), who do not consider security as a factor among the top five concerns in cloud computing.

Salesforce intends to take cloud security to the next level so that the cloud becomes an impregnable fortress for data. Read on to know how they achieve it.

Building Trust By Staying Transparent

Gaining the trust of users is essential to building their confidence about the reliability of cloud computing services. It is also necessary for implementing superior security systems that ensure safe cloud computing. By maintaining transparency about the security measures, Salesforce has been able to generate trust among users. 

With the goal of keeping users informed and updated about the status of user data, they continuously provide live data about any attempted intrusion, malware, phishing and data related to updates and system performance. The information helps users to know the state of their data at any point in time and gives the satisfaction of knowing that it is safe.

Monitoring Events

The better you can keep a tab on events as and when it occurs, better you would be able to maintain the security of the system. In simple words, you must stay proactive and know about what is happening on the system to ensure better security. 

Salesforce implements event monitoring for providing users with the details of actions that take place and even actions that the service provider takes on the system. This helps in early detection of issues, and it is possible to resolve the issues quickly before it can harm the system.

Authorization For Accessing Data

The aspect of authorization is an important security feature for any software application to ensure that only authorized persons can access the data. However, for Salesforce, the authorization aspect acquires special importance due to the multi-tenant nature of the platform where a wide range of clients works on the same platform for different services. 

The authorization ensures that every client can access only the data of their organization so that the information and data of other clients remain protected. By using unique organization identifiers that initiates the process of logging into every session, it is possible to ensure that only persons authorized to access the data can use it.

Data Isolation

The virtual openness of the cloud might make it appear as if anyone can access the data stored in it, but this is far from the truth. By keeping the data isolated it is possible to keep it most secured, and Salesforce uses this technique to assure users that their data remains well protected. 

The server environment remains wholly secured so that the data inside remains out of reach of trespassers. To prevent unauthorized access, it uses advanced technology that not only keeps the data protected but also ensures that no matter how many users access the system, the response time remains the same.

Authentication and Encryption

The technology used by Salesforce for authorization and authentication keeps it much ahead in ensuring the best security of data. For the purpose, they use Transport Layer Security (TLS), which is the most advanced version of data security management. By using the latest technology, it is possible to ward off threats to security that also keeps increasing. Thus, data remains safe and secure in the cloud.

Security Health Check

Although it is the primary responsibility of the cloud service provider to ensure complete security of data, users too must share the responsibility for proper data protection. 

Users must ensure that password policy, network configuration, and session settings are free from security weaknesses by eradicating any identifiable weakness. To help users, the Security Health Check feature of Salesforce is useful to identify security weaknesses in their areas and rectify it.

Sharing Best Security Practices

For maintaining real security, the service providers and users must work together as partners. It will never be possible to ensure complete security by relying on the strength of service providers alone as explained above. 

Even the best security system of service providers can become ineffective if users do not play their part well. Users must gather knowledge about the best security practices and implement it correctly so that they can plug all gaps at their end. For keeping users well informed about the best security practices, Salesforce shares tailor-made and organization-specific updates with users.

Only when users and service providers work in perfect harmony, can you achieve the highest standard of security that keeps data free from all threats? This is when users become empowered to do their jobs efficiently and safely.

Lucy Jones has worked on the Salesforce platform for more than a decade. Briefly, she was associated with, as a CRM Specialist. Having a penchant for writing, she is planning to launch a blog site soon.

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