
How To Keep Yourself Safe From Latest Data Breaches

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How To Keep Yourself Safe From Latest Data Breaches

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Recently, many of the HBO’s shows were leaked online. Earlier, the Wanna Cry ransomeware affected the people across the globe. There’s a new data breach or hacking incident every couple of months to make us realize that we need to use better data security policies and tools.

Right from the various renowned hospitals to the largest retailers across the globe, right from small business houses to some of the world’s major employers, all seem to be losing the track of their data at an alarming and unprecedented rate.

Whether the data breaches are a result of the better hacking tools or the poor/outdated security practices, but, these have become a common as well as a significant problem that needs to be addressed. Here’s an anti phishing checklist and a list of some vital measures that you must take to keep yourself safe from the latest and future data breaches.

Be careful With The Passwords

One of the key points that you need to take immense care of are the passwords. Don’t use the same password to login to the different websites or user accounts. Each password should be different, long, complex and unique. Keep on changing the passwords from time to time, and use the “Multiple Factor Authentication” wherever possible.

Do Not Share Your Personal or Financial Information With Anyone Over The Phone or Email

The people who want to steal your data might call you or email you as a legitimate business or government agency to trick you into revealing the personal information over the phone, via text message or email.

Always remember that banks never call you to ask your credit card details or debit card pin. So, if anyone is calling you on behalf of your bank and is trying to make you reveal the sensitive information, never provide the information. Instead, register a complaint against the number and ensure that strict action is taken against them.

Use Anti-Malware Software On Your Computers

The anti malware software act as the firewall on a computer and block any suspicious or malicious link, or website to open on the computer. Also, it keeps on informing you about the various suspicious activities happening on the computer.

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Use Anti-Malware Software On Your Computers

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Attend An Online Security Training Program

One of the best ways to keep yourself safe and your data secure from the data breaches is by attending an IT security awareness training program which can help you to learn the various tactics that can effectively protect your computer and data from hackers. These programs make the participants aware of the various security loopholes that are leveraged by the hackers and phishers to steal the sensitive data.

Regularly Check Your Credit Report

You can check your credit report through the credit reporting companies. While checking your credit report, you are able to see the various accounts which have been created using your name and SSN (Social Security Number). If you find anything suspicious, report it immediately to the credit agency to avoid any hassles or data breaches later.

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