
Shopify Membership Subscription Plans: Save Up To 99%/$43 090 Yearly!

3 Mins read
Hey everybody dealing with eCommerce, web design, development and loving Shopify. Would you like to know about the most cost-efficient way to buy Shopify themes? Then, read on and you’ll get to know about new Shopify subscription plans from TemplateMonster that let you save up to 99% (which makes more than $43 000 yearly).

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Do we need to tell you that Shopify is one of the most popular and easy-to-use eCommerce platforms out there? The software is not free, that’s the truth. However, its price is entirely justified by its intuitiveness, excellent support and the sweet fact that you don’t have to pay for hosting or maintain the software. Shopify team takes good care of your store. The only things you need to do is to install a theme, personalize it, and upload your products. That’s it.

You know… When it comes to current eCommerce, choosing the right design is same important as offering top-quality products, competitive prices, and great customer support.

Reasons to choose Shopify themes by TemplateMonster

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Their premium Shopify templates are of the high quality. Each of them features a cutting-edge, conversion-driven design, a variety of customization options, a bunch of integrated plugins, SEO-optimization, and sterling support. 100% responsiveness of the themes sweetens the deal as the number of people shopping from their mobile gadgets continues to increase.

So, now you have a great possibility to subscribe to one of the TemplateMonster’s plans, save a heap of money, and get much more than you are actually paying for.

You can check out the subscription plans prices and compare them straight away:

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So, what do we see?

Bronze Plan ($228, $19/month): 60 themes, 5 themes/month;

Silver Plan ($348, $29/month): 120 themes, 10 themes/month;

Gold Plan ($588, $49/month): unlimited themes, unlimited downloads;

Single Site License (for comparison): $139 for 1 theme.

Not bad, isn’t it?

But why would you need so many templates?

A reasonable question and we have the answer. Why would you need more than one Shopify template if you are running only one online store?

Let’s imagine that you have purchased the cheapest Bronze 1-year subscription plan. It allows you to download 60 themes for only $228/year. 60 themes are actually more than any category in TemplateMonster’s collection includes. What does this mean to you? That you can try out absolutely every theme suitable for your shop without any restrictions.

You will be able to download any 5 themes at once and then 5 more themes every next month during the year. You can test various designs, compare their performance and choose the one that you liked the most.

If you are running a photography studio, you get access to all the Design & Photography Shopify Themes from TemplateMonster’s collection (there are 24 items as of today), plus 36 themes from other categories, or any other themes that will be released during the year. And if you ever decide to launch another online store, 24 themes will be already at your disposal.

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Do you still remember that the whole treatment will cost you less than 2 regular theme licenses?

If you are a developer

Every developer knows that all those bundles and subscriptions are really beneficial and money-saving. You need an individual theme license for each of your web design projects, don’t you? That is, the less you are spending on templates the more you will earn.

What plan is best for you?

Everything depends on your workflow. Subscribing to the Gold plan, you can download all themes right away. Let’s calculate. In this case, each theme will cost you less than $2, which is almost next to nothing.

Just think about it: you will be able to build 300+ websites for your clients for the price of 4 regular theme licenses.
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The Silver plan is suitable for smaller teams of developers that don’t want to buy everything at once. It opens up access to 120 Shopify templates over a year for you. You can download 10 themes each month.

Wrapping up

The premium subscription launched on 08/11/2017. Don’t you think that it’s time to choose your plan and enhance your eCommerce business or build hundreds of amazing, quality online stores for your clients as a developer?
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