
Why is nopCommerce the undisputed leader in B2B ecommerce frameworks?

5 Mins read

eCommerce websites always require a strong affinity for customer experience; and when it comes to B2B websites, the demand just escalates into a newer level of expectation. For business customers, the experience needs to be solid and seamless at the same time since the transaction value of B2B purchases would be high or the volume purchased is significantly higher when compared to a B2C shopping site.

Since B2B websites demand stringent quality, easier user navigation, and faster and secure check-out, besides empowering enterprises shopping on them with bigger and clear product descriptions, it is imperative that you choose a website framework that has proven to meet or exceed these expectations over time.

nopCommerce, one of the top open source e-commerce solutions, is our pick for offering the best B2B shopping experience for your enterprise customers. In addition to offering a great visual design, nopCommerce offers a crystal-clear layout for shoppers. 

As for administrative controls, the intuitive admin dashboard panel offers support for multiple online store integration as well as integration with top 3rd party vendor applications and APIs. Let us have a closer look at some of the key features that make nopCommerce the ultimate choice for B2B eCommerce websites.

Enables multi-store setup

nopCommerce enables B2B website owners to create multiple storefronts and run them with a single back-end. All the stores can be managed with a single administrative dashboard, and the shared backend and database offer tons of exciting possibilities. Some of them include sharing of promotional offers, product catalogs, product attributes, cross-selling and up-selling inventory, etc., between the multiple storefronts. 

This enhances user experience levels by a great deal thereby paving the way for improved customer acquisition. It is also highly beneficial when you run both a B2B and a B2C website side by side. The framework also allows each store to be set up with its own unique configurations and users of multiple stores can log into all of them with the same credentials. 
Such operational flexibility is of great use and in high demand for B2B customers who may utilize multiple product vendors for their business needs.

Simple setup and configurations

nopCommerce is an ASP.Net based open source ecommerce solution. Thanks to its Open Source nature, the framework is highly customizable. Since it is not difficult to acquire Dot Net programming skills in the market, setting up a B2B business using nopCommerce can be done in a whisker. 

The solution already comes loaded with quite a lot of essential e-commerce features such as an intuitive front end compiled from product catalogs, customizable shopping carts, and a highly efficient control dashboard that makes site management an effortless task. nopCommerce has a huge library of customizable themes and 3rd party plug-ins that can be utilized to offer a rich user experience to enterprise shoppers. 
We already mentioned the need for B2B websites to offer way more product information for buyers when compared to B2C websites. nopCommerce allows defining up to 60 unique properties for every single product, thereby facilitating the display of as much information as possible on product listing pages.

SEO friendly

SEO friendly ecommerce platform

Today a major challenge faced by e-commerce websites is being discoverable in search engine results. nopCommerce has been built keeping in mind the need to be a search engine friendly as possible to help new entrants in the online B2B space earn their fair share of search traffic. Store owners can create their own customized web URLs and product tags for better search visibility. 

They can also add sufficient keywords to their product listing pages to click with trending user search keywords on popular search engines. Sitemap support is offered in both XML and HTML formats thereby empowering search engine bots to easily locate information deep inside product or catalog pages. 
Owners can track the performance of their web pages in real-time thanks to integration with Google Analytics and also utilize the insights to improve their SEO efforts from time to time. Social meta tags are offered for product descriptions thereby adding to better search engine visibility.

mCommerce support

mCommerce support is native in nopcommerce platform

According to Gartner, nearly 19.4% of all B2B e-commerce happens over mobile devices. nopCommerce offers quick and easy setup of light mobile sites if you wish to have separate mobile sites for your business. The web pages created by nopCommerce are responsive and offer a consistent and seamless user experience across a wide range of devices, screen sizes, and platforms. You can manage both the mobile and web storefronts from a single administrative dashboard, thereby offering additional flexibility in operations and lesser human capital needs for management.

Drop Shipping Support

Most B2B merchants require only a portal for connecting buyers with vendors and they do not plan on investing in inventory storage and management. nopCommerce empowers such merchants as well with its Drop Shipping capabilities. It empowers B2B sites to facilitate trade between a buyer and multiple sellers. The B2B site only takes care of the order management. 

Once the order is placed, the required details are passed to respective vendors, who then arrange for the logistics and supply of the product within the stipulated deadline. nopCommerce enables B2B sites to easily work with multiple vendors and manage their data such as order information, delivery schedules, shipping status, concern resolution status, and much more from a single dashboard effortlessly.

Smoother Payments & Logistics Management

nopCommerce effortlessly integrates multiple payment options for B2B websites, which allows site owners to trade with customers who prefer a wide variety of payment choices. Geographical and demographic configurations are possible for payments depending on preferences, sentiments, and payment regulations existing across countries where your business has operations. 

It facilitates integration with over 50 different global payment gateways, allowing businesses to conduct global operations easily. All these payment options can be exercised on a single database of products, offering amazing flexibility. 
Shipping preferences can be set according to your operational model like free shipping on any product or for purchase volumes exceeding certain monetary value or for certain items or any other preferences as you like. nopCommerce allows you to estimate shipping costs based on countrywide zip code references and postal charges for multiple delivery partners.

nopCommerce has clocked close to 2 million downloads to date. This is resounding proof of its ability to exceed expected standards in robustness, quality, and flexibility for e-commerce operations. It is one of the top B2B online commerce solutions available today; and thanks to its open-source nature, the possibilities of customization are limitless.

What B2B Experts Have to Say

The best B2B web design agencies understand the important role of a reliable eCommerce web design platform. For this reason, nopCommerce is highly recommended for budding and seasoned eCommerce entrepreneurs alike. With the great benefits and features of nopCommerce, all aspiring online sellers can achieve their dreams.

The future of nopCommerce is very promising because of its number of downloads, making it one of the most-sought after eCommerce design open-source platforms. With more features to launch, this eCommerce solution will surely hit the top. There could be a bit of a learning curve using nopCommerce at first, but everything is seamless as you get used to it.

Indeed, eCommerce has never been this easy, finding everything you need in a one-stop-shop. The integrations, configurations, mobility, usage, and navigation of nopCommerce are excellent. A B2B expert using nopCommerce would sense its remarkable features and be surprised by its short-term and long-term benefits.

What’s in it For B2B Customers?

B2B customers are also B2C customers, and the difference lies in the product you’re offering and the factors or things customers have to consider. For a B2C customer, the buying decision entails prioritizing the best for oneself and the family, whereas for a B2B customer, the priority is the company or business.

nopCommerce technology is an innovative solution that will provide endless opportunities for business owners and providing customers with a winning shopping experience. Embracing this technology is a great way to make every aspect of online shopping a lot more convenient, fast, and easy.

As discussed above, using nopCommerce will enable you to increase your brand awareness, not just online or web-based, but also through mobile. With intuitive layouts, fascinating themes, and a user-friendly interface, you’ll be able to deliver a great customer experience every time. Indeed, both B2B business owners and B2B customers benefit from nopCommerce.

So if you are looking to have a strong presence in the online B2B space, then nopCommerce is the technology backbone you definitely need.
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