
Wrike Project Management Software: Android App Review

2 Mins read

Wrike is a full-featured yet easy-to-use project management solution used by companies of all sizes and industries, including Paypal, Hootsuite, and Nanometrics. Its online software for project management and dynamic Gantt chart maker makes it a perfect fit for modern agile project management teams.

In addition to its cloud-based project management software, Wrike offers a free Android app. The mobile UI is very intuitive and user friendly.

Key Features

Remote Collaboration

The Wrike app provides a incredibly easy way to do remote team collaboration. The project management app can be accessed from anywhere in the world, and all your team members can collaborate and discuss work in one place. This makes it a really powerful tool when you are planning a important task that involves coordinating teams spread across the globe.

Task Management

  • Task management is extremely easy with Wrike. Tasks can be shared, assigned, and scheduled based on your project needs. You can also reschedule tasks with a simple swipe. 
  • The app also supports task attachments, making it easy to take pictures on your phone and attach them to the relevant task. It also makes it easy to access work documents while on the go. This makes is a very suitable app for construction and repair related projects. 
  • The app also has custom push notifications that can keep your team alert and on top of things as soon as they are available (and you can always adjust your notification settings to suit your preferences). 
  • The mobile app also makes it easy to take notes and add comments to tasks, keeping ideas, questions, and feedback all in one place. 
  • The Gantt chart feature allows you to quickly plan and adjust your project timelines by simple drag and drop.

Workflow Support

The workflow feature support makes this solution a good choice for product management and standard operating procedure (SOP) type of projects.


The app can also generate real-tme reports and charts, so you always have up-to-date insights into work status. The web version of Wrike’s project management application has a lot of additional reporting tools that can easily extract detailed visual reports on everything from team workload and productivity to project progress.

How To Use The App

The Wrike team has created a YouTube channel to provide training videos about the Android app and other features. You can quickly learn to use advanced features of the app ny watching these videos.

Supported Platforms

Supported on iOS As Well

The same app is also supported on iOS devices as well, so you can access your projects and plans from any device.

Optimized for Tablets

Wrike’s UI is optimized for tablet and large mobile screen, making it very intuitive to use.

Even Better Web Interface

Desktop and laptop users can access Wrike through the browser app. Many desktop users prefer web version due to ease of typing and much larger screen.


Wrike’s Android app is a useful project management app with supporting web and iOS counterparts. To get started using Wrike, download the free mobile app and start your free 2-week trial now.

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