
Most Widely Used WordPress Tips and Tricks of 2016

4 Mins read
list of popular wordpress tips
WordPress is a CMS (Content Management System) which is very popular and most widely used in these days. Introduction to the WordPress is almost not necessary as every business is seeking its help to establish their business and brand identity.

This article has key tips from a variety of sources including WordPress tutorials and good wordpress books from experts.

Reasons for Extensive  Use Of WordPress

WordPress is used very extensively in 2016 as well for its array of features like being flexible and its potential for customization. With the increase in the operations of every business, there is a great chance to expand the content management system even. Previously WordPress has started as a blogging platform, but now WordPress has evolved as the most winning CMS software.

Have a look at how you can gain advantage by making use

WordPress Customization tips

  • Pick a theme from the digital marketplace like ThemeForest. You may find the variety of options and cost is affordable. It’s not worth spending the time to create your own theme. Focus on your core business.
  • Always allure your visitors with a new and attractive theme and look every time they visit. In order to gain this, you need not spend a lot of money, rather follow the simple customization tips.
  • Always remember that typography is very important. Never miss giving importance to readability, selecting a proper readable and attractive font. There are many fonts in the WordPress themes which match all the above-mentioned requirements.
  • You may choose the colors even wisely based on your services and keeping your brand identity into consideration. There are as many tools in the WordPress which are used to bring out the stunning color combinations for your fonts and the whole website.
  • There is an immense scope to find out unique and outstanding patterns, images and as well images. All these might sound simple, but when did wisely in a subtle manner will add a lot to the look of the website.

WordPress Plugins for your Business Expansion and Recognition

The following are the must-have plugins for your business to get the added advantage.

WordPress Security Tips

Besides the great success in the WordPress, there are even security breaches. But you can rest assured by following simple and efficient techniques.

  • Always ensure that you are using the updated theme, version, plugin for WordPress.
  • If you are not able to douse the updated versions, at least hide the version number you are using.
  • Ensure that the plugins which you are using are properly rated so that was plugins won’t give a chance to hack your data.
  • Browse more wordpress security tips.

How To Add Custom CSS Stylesheet For Individual WordPress Posts?

If you want to do custom stylesheet for individual posts then follow the steps as follows

First, you need to open the header.php and insert the below code somewhere in between the codes .

<?php if (is_single()) {
$customstyle = get_post_meta($post->ID, ‘customstyle’, true);
if (!empty($customstyle)) { ?>
<style type=”text/css”>
<?php echo $customstyle; ?>
<?php }
} ?>

After completion, just you need to add the custom field in each post with name custom style and also add CSS codes in there.

Key WordPress SEO Tips

To improve your WordPress SEO, install SEO plugins

  • Install sitemap plugin in .xml format. .Xml sitemap plays a vital role in WordPress Blogs. Sitemaps are two types such as .xml sitemap for search engine point of view whereas .html sitemap for user point of view.
  • Install an SEO plugin and start using rel=”canonical” 
  • To Customize your robots.txt in WordPress, install the WP Robots.txt plugin
  • Internal linking – While writing new posts, try to link with older posts with the help of Keywords.
  • Don’t link unwanted important pages from every page.
  • Integrate the social media sharing button in your posts

How To Display Tweets In WordPress?

Twitter is a powerful tool in social media to reach number of people. Many of them are display their tweets live on their blogs. To display your recent tweets on your WordPress please copy the below and place in the WordPress theme.

$username = “TwitterUsername”; // Your twitter username.
$prefix = “”; // Prefix – some text you want displayed before your latest tweet.
$suffix = “”; // Suffix – some text you want display after your latest tweet.
$feed = “” .$username . “&rpp=1”;

function parse_feed($feed) {
$stepOne = explode(“<content type=”html”>”, $feed);
$stepTwo = explode(“</content>”, $stepOne[1]);
$tweet = $stepTwo[0];
$tweet = str_replace(“&lt;”, “<“, $tweet);
$tweet = str_replace(“&gt;”, “>”, $tweet);
return $tweet;
$twitterFeed = file_get_contents($feed);
echo stripslashes($prefix) . parse_feed($twitterFeed) .stripslashes($suffix);

Note: change the user-name in the second line

How To Create a Private Twitter Site Using WordPress?

For better WordPress performance, also follow the optimization tips for loading of websites.

  • Always make sure that you are going to a better hosting plan and your server won’t struggle to load.
  • The WordPress themes and plugins which you are using will generally have the tendency to slow your website. So use the ones which are necessary and are fast in their functionality.
  • Remember the option called Trash and ensure that you are often deleting the unwanted content from here.

All the mentioned tips are the most used which are helpful to enjoy the maximum benefits of the WordPress platform on your daily basis and in fact for every business.

Reegan is a renowned WordPress developer by profession and currently working with WordPress Development Projects. In case, your looking for any WP Website then it is better to Hire WordPress Developer who can serve you the desire Services

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