TipsWebWeb Design

11 Tips to Avoid Common Web Design Mistakes

4 Mins read
Web design tips for web developers to be successful

Being in a web design industry where there is a constant need of latest trends to evolve in market, simple mistakes can cost the potential of the website heavily. The traffic gets hampered eventually and Google listings take a beating if the design does not support the brand or the intended audience. Therefore, one needs to avoid some common web design mistakes to avoid web design failure.

Web designers are human and they too tend to make some mistakes with wrong layouts, non-aligned color codes, mismatched backgrounds etc. As website is the face, the platform of a business it leads an organization at a respectable position among competitive buyers. With online tools and some gorgeous templates one can ensure to keep their site user-friendly, impactful and in line with latest trends.

This article has essence of tips for from good web design books that you may spend hours reading.

By remembering some important points to make corrections in a website will not only help to make the design flawless but it will gain remarkable position in the online world too.

Before Jumping Into Development 

Do not rush into developing your website immediately. There are many things to be considered before you start a website. Therefore spend time understanding your requirements. Look at other websites for inspiration. Make notes for your website and ensure you stick to your needs only. 

Keep it Mobile-Friendly

User experience is a major factor to keep all our clients accessible to each other. Mobile viewing is an absolute must in today’s times and for businesses to be in the limelight, it is a must for them to optimize their website with mobile viewing with customized solutions on all platforms.

Font and Color

Finding the perfect font and color scheme which blends with the content of the site is also a crucial element of web designing. One should take note of the colors that can improve the readability of the content matter. Awful color schemes and typography absorbs the reading interest and the capacity of the reader. So if the subject of the site needs serenity then go for calm blue or green colors, for entertainment or fun type use brighter colors.

Need Call to Action

At the end of the day, websites are mediators between users and businessmen and needs call to action. So basically the header is the perfect spot to showcase the contact information or phone number for accessibility. Make sure to add the contact forms at the bottom of internal pages for better results.

Complicated Navigation

Poor navigation or overcomplicated navigation can become challenging over time. Either dead links or links to the homepage results in sloppy navigation. Putting a side menu bar for all the minor pages is a pretty effective design and an easier method. Keep the vital design elements intact with clarity of process throughout the site.

White Spaces

If any website is cluttered up with different stuff, the inevitable result is that visitors will be quickly distracted and would not keep up with the amount of content on the site. So avoid these text pitfalls and make a neat, legible website with enough white space. Allow the user to breathe and give required information getting straight to the point. Putting white spaces in a website simplifies the otherwise massive clutter of images, product galleries, and text heavy content, thus making the site better.

Customer Testimonials

Visitors prefer to hear the solution for their problems irrespective of how great one’s business is. So the best way to hear their views is through customer testimonials which will talk about the individual’s business. Place it on the main page driving more traffic in the website with genuine interest buildup.

Website Speed

Slow websites tend to be a failure leading end users to frustration. It is better to find the culprits and eliminate all those things before finalizing the design. Make sure to optimize images and videos with a couple lines of text to grab the attention of the visitors.

Link to Social Media Channels

Aligning a website with social media platforms like Facebook or twitter will not only increase the traffic to some extent but will market a business and drive leads from all over the world.

Trust and Credibility

Building trust and credibility among clients is the best way to authenticate any website. So never forget to include all new products, Certificates, Firms portfolio, and blog about all the interesting services etc.

Website Images

Website images illustrate something about the brand which the website is promoting and also helps to set the mood for the entire site. To make sure you get the most from the images, use only high-quality files, use stock images that gives a consistent look and feel to all the content.

Be Relevant

Be very clear of the purpose behind the website and start leveraging the content to make it happen. Be certain that you are only asking for the essential information on all forms, maybe a clear subscriber box embedded into the website is something you would want to consider and make them a decent size for readability.

The Bottom Line

Thus website is the best way to garner leads into reliable customers. So overlook little mistakes and learn the basics for long term success. If a redesign is the answer, consider small tweaks in the meantime to help keep users from turning away.

Keval Padia is a Founder & CEO of Nimblechapps. He is an iOS Game Developer, with acute knowledge of Mobile App Design and User Experience Design. His vision is to become the best mobile development company, which can transform people’s idea into fully functional application at a very affordable price.

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