4 Tools to Help with Onboarding Documentation for DevTeams

4 Tools to Help with Onboarding Documentation for DevTeams

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, remote working has gained ground. It has become the new normal in the society as employees are having to work from their houses, and deliver tasks as efficiently as before. Big companies like Facebook adapted to this style of work when they saw its impact on employees. Companies also benefited from this new style of work as there was no need for office spaces, paying rent annually, or paying for building maintenance, etc.

As remote working has stretched on, the hiring process has also changed. After all, companies still need to get the best staff, but how do you hire someone you haven’t physically met? This has made HR tasks also a lot more difficult to accomplish.

In this new normal, it is a good idea to turn to tools that can aid in this process of hiring and onboarding. The ideal tool needs to be secure, i.e. so that no data is exposed or leaked online especially confidential information, and it needs to make the process streamlined, simple, and accessible.

A good example of these tools is knowledge management tools as they facilitate onboarding processes.


Swimm is a tool that helps engineers (most especially) ramp up to new codebases easily, therefore, leading to optimal productivity for teams, independent work, etc. It enables a smooth development process as it keeps your documents in sync.


A Snippet Studio

This studio helps to easily create walkthroughs, tutorials, etc from your codebase. It brings the spotlight to specific areas in your code and also adds comments to explain the flow of your code and logic.

Code Documentation coverage with the Swimm Tree view

This feature allows you to rapidly search which file or directory has swimm tutorial and also highlight those areas that lack documentation.

Auto Sync

Obviously, your code does not remain the same else there is no evolution, hence there is no growth or improvement If the latter is not the case your code evolves. So should your documentation too. With the Auto Sync feature, it suggests automatically the changes to your documentation in line with the evolution of your code and also verifying tutorials to ensure it’s being current or up to date. is a platform built for groups and people to “create, collaborate, and organize” all of their know-how in a single place. With this tool, you can create rapid dynamic notes, documents, wikis, know-how bases, projects, consumer deliverables, technical docs, education publications and consumer portals, even integrating throughout the apps you work with.



Workflow Solutions

They have customizable workflow solutions that allow for varying degrees of user management and multiple workspaces. For an onboarding team, this can be very valuable as it allows varying degrees of access and specific onboarding workspaces with segregated documentation to bring everyone up to speed.

Advanced Sharing

Their document sharing facilities begin from live document sharing and extend to link tracking and real-time alerts. All documentation shared with onboarding teams is always up-to-date and will alert everyone when something is updated or added.

Content Management

With tools like smart search and workspace division, Bit can help keep all your content isolated and organized. For dev teams, this can be beneficial while creating and maintaining onboarding documentation, as the various management tools can keep things streamlined and efficient.


Tettra is an internal knowledge base that can assist in organizing knowledge to answer questions and onboard new members through Slack or Microsoft Teams. It is automated as well, so people who ask questions can receive answers instantaneously without having to wait for someone to type everything out.



Developers love integrations. Tettra offers integrations for GSuite, Zapier, Google Groups, and many more, making it very compatible with all the different workspaces different dev teams use. These integrations also make it easier for the tool to run without constant interference or mistakes.

Knowledge Management

An interesting feature offered by Tettra is that it displays when a piece of information was last verified by someone on the team to be true. This is great for onboarding purposes, as it makes sure that every document is up-to-date and reflective of the current state of the dev team’s progress.


They also offer an API that you can use for personalized further integration to build your own knowledge workflows with the tool.


Confluence is a team workspace that allows teams to create, capture, and collaborate. In a world of remote work and online onboarding, this tool fits right in. It can assist your team structure, organizing, and sharing work, so each crew member has visibility into institutional information and gets the right of entry to the records they want to do their exceptional work.



Confluence is a powerful collaborative editor as it gives you the power to create meeting notes, project plans, product requirements, at the same time as other users are editing and see all the changes at once.

Jira Integration

Confluence offers integration with Jira for development work and features like issue-tracking and dynamically updating roadmaps.


For onboarding, it’s important to make sure new team members have access to exactly what they need but not more. With Confluence’s permissions features, you can share and protect sensitive content with permission settings.


As remote work gets more and more popular, a smooth onboarding process with all knowledge being easily accessible makes it better as this helps engineers especially keep up with your company easily and faster, increasing your productivity level in the company. I urge you to start using a tool to aid your onboarding process as this could be a huge boost in your team’s productivity level.

Happy Hiring!

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