10 Well-Kept Secrets to Increase Site Traffic

10 Well-Kept Secrets to Increase Site Traffic

Every entrepreneur wants to get “more customers”. Unfortunately, it’s not easy to get clients for your brand, especially when you’ve just started your business. But don’t fret – there are many ways to increase traffic on your site!

Here are 10 of the well-kept secrets that work wonders for your brand. Some of them may cost you some dimes, while others can be greatly enjoyed for free. All are vital to the success of your marketing campaigns. But if you want the easier and faster trick to boost your traffic, you can buy traffic from reliable sources like Maxvisits

Paid traffic is a great way to kick-start your business, especially when you’re new in the market. Once you’ve generated a good traffic flow, you can then proceed with organic traffic methods for long-term traction.

Build A Responsive Website

First and foremost, you need to have a fully-functional website. This becomes your brand’s online storefront. And since first impressions last, make sure your website leaves an excellent experience for your visitors.

However, a good website isn’t just about having a sleek, professional-looking aesthetic.

Do you wait for websites to load for a minute? Me neither. Visitors also lose their interest the moment they need to pinch and scroll their way around your website. When these things happen, you can almost expect that your bounce rate will be higher than your traffic stats.

To keep them engaged in your site, make sure you have an efficient, fast, and responsive site. It must be free from clutter, easy-to-read, and well-organized. It must have the right tools and functionalities to provide an efficient and comfortable user experience for visitors.

It bears repeating that your website must be accessible across a wide range of devices – smartphones, desktops, tablets, etc.

Consider Paid Advertising

Paid advertising comes in different ways, like a sponsorship feature, paid search, and display advertising, but all are equally magnificent in attracting clients and getting your brand in front of the masses.

If you wish to drive traffic that converts into sales, it’s best to use and strategize with paid, targeted keywords. These commercial intent keywords typically come with higher price tags. The dividends, however, are worth it.

Have A Social Media Account

Since almost everyone is on social media, taking your brand across these channels has become a necessity. Having great content at the right platform can increase your traffic significantly. You can get traction from posting short and snappy texts on Twitter or from image-heavy social sites like Instagram and Pinterest.

Each social media platform has its pros and cons. Find the right platform for your niche. Try to look into each of them and decide how you can take advantage of its perks.

Be Proactive On Your Social Media Channels

Posting and sharing aren’t enough. Nothing turns off people quicker than brands that are purely broadcasting the whereabouts of their business. Use your social media channels to do what it’s supposed to: socialize.

Mingle with your audience and join in group discussions. Research about relevant hashtags in your market, answer questions and ask your audience from time to time. Interact with your patrons. These things might look trivial, but they help you create and nurture a community of interested clients and fans.

Create A Fun And Varied Content

There’s no one-size-fits-all solution for content marketing success. All those compelling content with targeted keywords may be great, but try not to bore your audience with just plain texts.

Instead of merely blogging your way to success, try to mix your content with images, videos, and infographics. Match news-based blog posts with videos or images. Post informative infographics. Have data-driven posts to create a huge impact. When you have a varied and unpredictable content plan, it interests readers and excites your audience.

Have Catchy Titles And Headlines

Think heavily about your headline before you hit “Publish”.

When writing your content, make sure that your headlines tick. They should tickle your reader’s fancy, compelling them to click on your post or article. Even the most comprehensive and well-written articles can go unnoticed because their titles aren’t significant, interesting, or mind-boggling.

Improve Your SEO Strategies

SEO is one of the most important cornerstones to boost your organic traffic – optimize your content for search engines, set internal links to new content, create meta descriptions, etc.

Many marketers believe that SEO isn’t valuable because it takes time to drive traction to your site but remember the adage, “Good things come to those who wait”. SEO practices don’t take ages, and they’re great for long-term traffic solution purposes.

It’s worth mentioning that targeting long-tail keywords are ideal too. Use them for your paid search and SEO efforts.

Do Guest Blogging

Guest posting on a popular and relevant site can improve traffic to your website. It helps establish your brand. Many websites offer guest blogging but proceed with caution as the standards have dramatically changed these days. There are penalties involved with questionable tactics. So it’s best to know the guidelines first before submitting a guest post article.

Likewise, invite others in your niche to guest blog on your site. They will likely share the link of their guest blog post from your site, thereby increasing the chances of having your website be visited by a new wave of readers and audiences.

When doing guest blogging on your site, have a strict guideline too. Make sure all submitted guest posts are original and high-quality. There must never be spammy links, as these could hurt your site’s reputation and force you to face strict penalties from Google.

Have Internal Links

Besides doing guest posting and having sites link back to you, make sure you link internally too. This means creating and publishing content where you link some of your old or previous posts that are relevant to the topic. This doesn’t only boost your SEO. It also provides a more insightful and efficient reading experience for your audience.

Interview Thought Leaders In Your Industry

Thought leaders are those whose opinions and insights hold value and influence in their league. They are often sought for advice and consultation regarding specific expertise, topic, experience, or industry. These individuals are commonly asked to speak at events, webinars, or conferences to share their views and opinions to the target masses.

Thought leaders are popular subjects to have an interview with. They’re considered a valuable resource of information and insight to a particular niche. Hence, to interview one of the top leaders in your field is a great opportunity.

On a personal level, this gives you the chance to meet them firsthand, exchange ideas, and get useful insights for your business. It’s a thought-provoking and inspiring experience. This interview can score you big time for your traffic and advertising campaigns too.

The name recognition offers an instant boost to your traffic and builds credibility for your brand. It’s also likely that the interviewee will share your content to his/her website, blog, or social media channels. The result? More chances of amassing attention to your site.

Many entrepreneurs are very hesitant to ask industry leaders for an interview, usually fearing the cost and rejection. Little do they know that many thought leaders are very warm and welcoming for interview invitations. Don’t let your fear get in the way of this impending success.

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