Rocket League Plans to Scrap Paid Rocket League Crates

Rocket League Plans to Scrap Paid Rocket League Crates

In somewhat surprising news, Psyonix is set to ditch paid loot boxes, often referred to as Rocket league crates, from its hugely successful vehicle-based football sim, Rocket League.

The changes, which supposedly come into effect later this year, are likely to remove paid, randomized loot boxes from the game.

In truth, Crates have been a primary feature of Rocket League since 2016, and act as a form of reward for the completion of competitive matches online.

Typically, upon opening a loot box, players receive a solitary, random cosmetic from a series of categories. These range from Rocket League goal explosions and animations, to unique celebrations, wheel skins, vehicle decals and Rocket League banners.

But like all things seen as too good to be true, there’s a handsome catch. Players must first obtain a key to unlock each crate. To do so, however, you’ll most likely have to purchase the item, through premium means. That said, a select few, are included on a rotational basis, as a form of reward for those that possess a paid Rocket League Pass.

Also, Decryptors, which share the same function aside from restricting trade, can be won, but are in short supply. And there’s only a slim chance of acquisition as part of the Rocket Pass Rewards. Or during any of the hosted special events.

That system is about to turn on its head though. At least, that’s according to a recent statement published on the official rocket league website. In it, Psyonix outline plans to refine the monetization system, bringing it more in line with the scheme adopted by Epic Games. Of course, this is of no coincidence, as Psyonix recently subsumed Epic Games, and has since acquired the rights.

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All in all, though, this change hints at greater transparency. Which in and of itself, can only be a good thing, in the long term. Now, players will have a clearer picture of what they are buying. More importantly, before they splash the cash on chance-based items.

Though that may signify huge strides forwards, Psyonix does point out that the games Esports shop, and any purchasable content offered via its store, will remain untouched. All the while, players still have the option to buy in-game content on demand.

Of course, all this comes at a time of immense controversy. Whereby, many reputable game companies find themselves thrust under spotlight regarding anti-consumer practices. And the impacts of loot boxes on children. In truth, the world has woken up to the fact that loot boxes are prevalent in the industry, for better or worse.

And now, it’s up to governments globally, to hold these people and practices to account. Hopefully, we’ll see a sea change in the way games companies treat their paying, player base. But only time will tell.

What do you think of the proposed changes? And will the future removal of paid crates, lead to a better player experience? As always, we welcome any contributions. So please, get in touch via the chat below.

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