How Lack of Service Management Hurts Your Business

 How Lack of Service Management Hurts Your Business

If you want to increase how effective your service supply chains are (especially if your chain is service-intensive), you need service management. It is all about delivering value in today’s digital enterprises all over the world. The IT Service Management (ITSM) method once used to make sure that tech was used effectively by customers and met their needs when they propped up. Don’t have service management systems in place? Here are ways you may be hurting your business (and customers).

1. IIoT

Service-led businesses that don’t about to the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) may be swept aside in the near future. The IIoT refers to machines, people and buildings who are linked to an industrial connectivity system. Cloud-based service management software makes the transformative switch easier to make. IoT technology doesn’t serve individuals anymore – it is able to generate tremendous value for businesses.

2. Transformation

Bruce Rogers, who is CIO at Forbes Media, said that “ITSM becomes an enabler for digital transformation.” This means that cloud-based service management solutions increase the efficacy of operations, at much quicker speeds, while helping employees become more productive. Who doesn’t love that? Everything is digital – and not having service management in place will leave you behind in the dust.

3. Cloud Services

ITSM undoubtedly has a crucial role for executives and organizations. This is because their enterprise relies on cloud computing efforts (which is incredibly important for organizations that rely on IT technologies) and big data initiatives. Service management makes using these initiatives a breeze. However, be sure that the IT security framework is secure and uncompromised. Service management makes it easier to monitor the security of these frameworks.

4. Time

You are given access to the full visibility of those aspects, so you know the ins and outs of your organization. Without service management, assets may go missing. Without a dedicated service team, service-related issues will remain unsolved – such as service changes and development when it comes to customer service representatives, service providers, etc. BMC Service Management helps you increase your productivity and speed while maintaining absolute accuracy using multi-cloud capabilities.

6. Difficulties

Without proper service management software, you won’t be able to manage your customers easily – it will be an increasing headache. Your prospects, contract prices, and several job quotes will become a murky mess. (Which is a terrible storm to wade through if you have many quotes and contracts.) Having a service management system in place will make contract management easier for you; it will be easier for you to book jobs. This ease of use helps your business improve your customer services, as well, as the software (depending on the manufacturer) will give you access to a web portal that displays all their information. The key word here is “management.” Without service management, how will you keep track of anything or be able to manage at all?

7. Not Just For IT

Almost every line of business relies on service management. Not having service management spread across your company, instead choosing to focus all those efforts on IT, creates a lot of weak links in your enterprise. The key principle behind service management is how you can provide value to customers.


Although internet technology plays an important role in customer service, and customer service reps can benefit greatly from IT’s role, it is not exclusively under service management’s umbrella. This includes knowing which services perform which functions, the costs, how to request a particular service, and expectations to be received from using a service.

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