10 Tips to Write an Effective Web Design and Development Brief

10 Tips to Write an Effective Web Design and Development Brief

Nowadays a strong online presence is essential for any kind of business. And what is a better way of ensuring that than to create a website? This is the most optimal decision if you want your brand to gain more recognition. Usually, this is the type of task that you delegate to a professional web designer. In this case, you will need to write a web design and development brief.

What that is though? A brief is not something that you only use in web design, it can refer to any type of project in any field. Basically, it is a set of requirements for your project that the executor will later implement into reality. Let’s now get into specifics of this document. We will present to you 10 tips on how to write an effective web design and development brief.

Introduce Yourself

You have to give a short description of your company and what it does. Mention the most important aspects of your business activity, values, and plans of the company. This way the designer will get a basic understanding of what your future website should look like.

Describe Your Ideal Client

‘It is crucial that designer knows all possible specifics of your target audience’ says CEO of Grab My Essay. This will help him to adjust the design of your website to those people’s needs. You must provide at least basic information like age and gender. 

Describe The Project

There is always a specific reason for website creation. Do you want to raise awareness of your brand? Or to rise up your sales? Maybe you want to provide more information about your business? Whichever reason drove you to this decision your designer must know about it. 

Give Examples

The visual part of the brief is extremely important. There are thousands of cases when a business owner and designer could not understand each other. To avoid that show him some examples of what you think your website should look like. It does not necessarily have to be one particular website. For example, you might like the color scheme on one resource and type of menu scrolling on the other. The more information you provide in this case the better.

Your Vision

It is also important that you share your vision for your future website. At this point, it has to be solely your idea, without any references. Tell designer what ‘vibes’ should your clients get when visiting it. 


At this point, you describe the technical part of the project. In the case of a website, you should mention such things as ‘login’ area, categories, APIs, domain and so on. Describe what users should be getting from your website.


Every website needs content and yours is not an exception. However, you need to manage the content. Discuss with your designer who will be managing the website, adding and editing the content. You should also think of how you will be getting analytics. Check if you need any specific tools or you will be satisfied with basic Google Analytics data.


Will there be a lot of content on your website? Maybe you want to integrate your own blog into it? Also, mention the source of your content, will you be writing it on your own or, for example, hire someone from paper writing services

Design Requirement

The visual part of your future website is just as important as content. Mention basic colors you want, resolutions for assets. This is also the part where you include your brand’s logo.

Budget And Timing

This part often brings most problems. Therefore, you should carefully calculate the exact timing of your project, deadlines for every milestone and how much you are planning to pay for them. ‘The more specific you are in your brief about that the easier it will be for the designer to work,’ mentions the HR specialist of Top Essay Writing.


Creating a website is not that easy. The designer has to receive as much information from you as possible to meet your expectations. So, it is mostly up to you to decide whether your website will look like you want it to or not. We hope that these tips were useful for you.

Daniela is a professional copywriter with a strong interest in marketing and web design. Currently, she is working as an editor at RatedByStudents.

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