MS 98-361 Exam : Software Development Fundamentals

MS 98-361 Exam : Software Development Fundamentals

Software development, a core element of IT, has undergone great transformations through the years. This is because each day, there is a growing need for the development of new apps targeted at making business systems more effective.

In December 2012, Microsoft introduced a course and an exam that equip new learners and IT professionals with the relevant skills that would meet this demand. Microsoft software development course prepares learners to take the MTA 98-361 exam that would lead to a Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) certification.

These are entry level exams taken by anyone who wishes to test their skills in developing new software, as well as pass the exams to obtain the MTA certification. The exam tests your knowledge in computer storage, software testing, webpage development, web hosting, database management systems, data structures and windows services, among others.

Exam Objectives

This exam is meant to test the learners’ readiness and skills in the following areas:

  • Understanding Core Programming(15-20%)
  • Understanding Object-oriented Programming(20-25%)
  • Understanding General Software Development(15-25%)
  • Understanding Web Applications(15-20%)
  • Understanding Desktop Applications (15-20%)
  • Understanding Databases (15-20%)

Target Audience

  • 98-361 exam is for anyone who wants to pursue a career in IT and have no practical background in windows networking.
  • IT professionals who wish to pursue a career in software development


Why become MTA 98-361 certified?

High Demand Skill

Small and large business owners are looking for ways to make their systems run efficiently and effectively while at the same time-saving costs. Microsoft’s methods of testing its learners are very thorough and comprehensive. This makes the MTA 98-361 a very in-demand skill. Software developers are the frontrunners when it comes to taking care of the IT needs of any business enterprise.

Systems Efficiency

Having skilled professionals in any business environment translates to the efficiency of systems. Professional software developers ensure that they provide apps and systems conducive to the success of business enterprises. As an app or web developer, you are charged with providing these solutions to businesses. When systems are efficient, running costs are lowered and this means more profits to the business.

Great Compensation Package

Professional software developers command good rates in the market today. As a skill that is very basic to any, IT needs of any business, hiring managers to prefer MTA certified individuals. When the demand for a skill is high, then the salary packages offered are also high. You become a professional, who not only has a skill that helps businesses grow but who has a high chance of being hired and paid highly.

The is so popular today because of the thorough testing methods that Microsoft uses on its learners. The exam ensures that students are well prepared to handle the growing demand for new software that offers lasting solutions to businesses. Individuals who are MTA certified have a higher chance of being hired compared to their counterparts certified by other professional bodies or are not certified at all. This exam is accessible online making it within reach of anyone who wants to attain this certification in spite of location.

How To Pass Your MTA 98-361 Exams

The only way to pass your exam is to study and understand each concept step by step. Remember theory only is not enough; you must have a hands-on experience. Use study guides and 98-361 practice tests to thoroughly prepare yourself for your exam.

Exam Question Format

  • Duration: 50 Minutes
  • 30-50 Questions
  • Multiple-choice multiple answers
  • Multiple-choice single answer
  • Fill-in-the-blank
  • Pass mark: 70%
  • Exam Registration: CERTPORT-Authorized Testing Center
  • Exams done in Prometric Test Centers

Want To Pass Your MTA 98-361 Exams? Here Are Proven And Tested Tips To Help You Pass Them

Pay For Training

Enroll in the Microsoft Software Development Course. Make sure you get a certified instructor for this course. Certified trainers use simulations and demonstrations giving you a hands-on experience. The course is offered online through videos. Having a trainer will equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to pass your exams, become certified and use those skills in meeting software development needs for networking systems.

Schedule Your Time Well

Plan your time well. Ensure you allocate enough time to study and prepare for your MTA 98-361 exams. 

Use Study Guides And Practice Tests

You can access course study materials from the web. One of them is the book Exam 98-361 MTA Software Development Fundamentals by John Wiley. This book offers you the guidance you need in studying and passing your exams. There are also practice tests available online that you can use for gauging your readiness for the official MTA 98-361 exam. Some of the test exam sources are MTA Student Study Guide Exam 98-361 and the Microsoft Virtual Academy. These study guides, practice tests, and resources will give you an overview of what to expect in the exam.

Join an Online Community

There is a Microsoft online community called Developer Certification Study Group. In this group, learners and professionals share their experiences on how they passed their MTA 98-361 exams. The shared experiences will help you know what to expect and what you would require in order to prepare for and pass your exams.

My Experience With MTA 98-361 Exams

A few weeks to my exam, I felt a bit scared. I was imagining how hard the exam could be. I went online and used Google to search for a few sites. My intention was to get the general feeling of those who have previously done this exam. Prior to that, I had made sure that I had studied hard using the study guide as well as do a few practice tests. I had also bought the official course for 98-361exam and studied because I knew doing the practice tests alone would not be enough. On the eve of my exam, I put everything that I thought I would require for my exams the next day. The day came, I went to the exam testing center and arrived around 40 minutes to the official starting time. I was feeling a bit nervous as the exam started but I managed to conquer my fear. 

I was confident that I had prepared well for the exam. I finished my exam and left later when the official allotted time was over. You know what? I was over the moon when I learned I had passed my exams! I guess my previous experience with C# also helped me pass. It felt so good that I was eventually going to receive my Microsoft Technology Associate certification. I had always looked forward to becoming a certified professional! Besides that, I was happy that I now had the skills to use in providing app and web development solutions to businesses.

Training Courses For Microsoft 98-361 Exams

There are a few sites that offer the Microsoft Software Development Fundamentals courses. Some of them are:

  • Udemy Official Site: MTA Software Development Fundamentals
  • PLURALSIGHT: Exam 98-361 MTA Software Development Fundamentals
  • NetCom Learning: MTA Developer Certification

Are Exam Dumps Useful?

Yes. Exam dumps are useful as they provide a learner with practice questions to help in preparing for the MTA 98-361 exam. They are available online at an affordable rate. These practice tests are regularly updated to meet the required MTA 98-361 exam standards. Some packages like Prepare4sure exam dumps contain up to date exam questions as well as practice software for desktop PC.


Certifications look great on your credentials. They give you a higher chance of being picked by hiring managers compared to anyone without any certification. If you are considering advancing your career in IT, then MTA Software Development Fundamentals 98-361 exam is the best place to start.

It is a course exam meant for anyone new in the IT industry and seeking to become a software developer, a web developer, a database administrator as well as a windows developer.

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