7 Statistics That Prove Email Marketing Isn’t Dead : Infographic

Those who believe that email marketing is dead and gone would perhaps have many reasons to have a rethink. If we have a closer look at events in our lives we will certainly be ready to give email marketing the due that it deserves. There are figures and research studies to prove that the recent Black Friday sales were driven to a great extent by the proven and time-tested email marketing campaigns.
There are obviously many reasons as to why email marketing continues to as effective and result oriented as it was a decades ago. This is because there are some unmistakable advantages of email campaigns. We were looking at some statistics which might prove that email marketing is alive and kicking, but thanks to Websites That Sell, who has proved it very well. If you are a small entrepreneur with a shoe-string budget then you have many reasons to go in for email marketing. It is cost effective and the returns are quite astonishing if it is implemented the right way. 
Hence it would be worthwhile having a closer look at the same and have them implemented as early as possible. It could help turn around businesses which are small in size especially when they are dependent on the internet to push their business and take it to the next higher level.
7 Statistics That Prove Email Marketing Isn’t Dead : Infographic
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