10 Best Websites To Learn About Information Security

 10 Best Websites To Learn About Information Security

Whether it is for your small business, a larger corporation, or even your own personal data, securing information on computers or in the cloud is becoming a modern challenge. And with that said, the value of information security is increasing; global corporations have suffered major data breaches in recent years and it’s increased the demand for data security specialists.

Online security measures continue to evolve so it is important for those in the field to stay on top of current trends and security methods. Every company needs to ensure confidentiality and integrity with their customers; by keeping track of these ten websites, you can say that you’re up to date and learning the most you can about information security.

Wombat Security Blog

One of the best ways to learn is from professionals. Wombat Security Technologies’ blog offers a large base of articles that discuss risk management, security training, and cyber threats.

Their blog focuses on increasing awareness of new ways that digital security can be exploited as well as discussing best practice strategies. Of note, they offer information for novices as well as more experienced technicians. If you’re looking for a general comprehensive place to learn about information technology, Wombat’s blog can be a great first step.

Errata Security Blog

Security researchers who have vast experience in the field manage Errata Security Blog. With that comes a well-rounded understanding of current events in cybersecurity as well as a highly opinionated perspective on the best practices in the field.

The articles that you’ll find on Errata are in-depth, personable, and unafraid to discuss the grey areas of online ethics. Their article “You are committing a crime right now” from several years ago is a great look into their personality and what you can expect from Errata’s articles.

Kaspersky Lab Threatpost

Kaspersky Lab Threatpost is a website which supplies daily videos, articles, and podcasts that cover information security from a variety of different angles. They also have a section of their site that focuses on mobile security – an issue that’s becoming more pressing as people have taken to storing personal and corporate information on their mobile devices.

The publication focuses on recent online attacks and threats and provides a large amount of weekly content. By reading Kaspersky, you will keep up to date on current cyber attacks, how the attacks were committed, and how larger companies like Apple and Google are fighting back to defend their customers against cyber threats.

Security Boulevard

Security Boulevard covers information security in a myriad of different ways – from security analytics and cloud monitoring to current threats and the responses cybersecurity experts take in response to those threats.

You can almost think of Security Boulevard as a database of cybersecurity information. and crossroads for information in information security.

Naked Security Blog

Naked Security is run by the data protection company Sophos and publishes daily articles that cover a wide variety of security topics. Some focus on recent security events while others will cover well-known websites and cultural items like Amazon Alexa.

They also round up popular stories of the week and current threats that can affect firms and their employees. They’re a great source for news that covers a wide range of topics. No matter if you’re looking for cloud news or protecting a mobile site, Naked Security will have something to teach you.

Security Weekly

If you’re looking for a unique format and style, Security Weekly publishes webcasts and interviews on their site that specifically cover business security. They do some live streams as well.

This is a great alternative for those who enjoy learning more visually. It’s also a fantastic format as more people are listening to podcasts than ever before. Security Weekly has a very clear identity and makes it easy to learn as you listen.

The Akamai Blog

Akamai is an internet technology company that specializes in cloud security and also offers things like DDoS defense. Their blog – The Akamai Blog – is written by professional analysts with vast experience of working with large organizations and enterprises. It focuses on data protection, cloud security, and enterprise security.

The blog provides a distinctive perspective on attacks that end up compromising websites. More so, it is well-known for giving a detailed outlook on how attacks can bring down a site.

The Security Ledger

The Security Ledger, being an independent provider of news, publishes day-to-day content on latest news updates and events in online security. They have an entire section to discuss the most discussed current events in security.

On top of that, the Ledger also produces podcasts, collects whitepapers, and features opinion pieces that delve into ethics and best practices within the industry.

Graham Cluley

Graham Cluley is a long time security analyst as well and public speaker who also authors his own blog. His blog features self-written posts, podcasts, and commentary on hacking and current events.

He also offers a newsletter that gives easy tips and tricks of the trade. It’s a great mobile resource that can help you learn on the run.

Brian Krebs

Did you know about the Bitcoin bug on Brian Krebs is an investigative journalist who specializes in information technology and reporting on such issues is right up his alley. Using his connections and expertise in the security field, he provides research to write content that major publications miss. His website focuses on hacks, bugs, and data breaches.

Getting up to speed on information security can be a difficult challenge at times. It’s not the most intuitive field and requires a constant effort to stay on top of trends and challenges to remain effective. Having several resources on hand to listen to professionals will certainly help.

If you’re just getting started in internet technology, it is always a good idea to start with some general information before honing in on a specialty. And with that in mind, these ten sites cover all of that information and more, allowing you to continue to learn and become a force within the field.

Valerie Cox is a contributing author for TeamLogic.

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