The Hidden Superpower of Animated Videos for SEO & Marketing

This is quite a well-known fact nowadays that video marketing is one of the most thrilling and up-to-date strategies which helped marketers to attain the heights of success immensely. Moreover, if we take a glimpse of the recent Wyzowl statistics which states that 61% of enterprises and other small businesses are using video content marketing although almost 66% of the companies never used videos a year ago when the aforementioned fact can be clearly depicted.

And, I absolutely think that this amazing trend will reach far more new heights within the coming years with more emphasis on animated ones, as such a type is a more pragmatic and breathtaking one.

So, if you are running your own business or you are leading the marketing department of any enterprise then video marketing should be one of the trendiest additions to your promotional toolbox. Are you still thinking is it really worth considering animated videos for a great promotion of your business?

Well, the answer that I would give you is an absolute Yes! I am not stating the same not only because everyone is opting for the same rather animated videos are one of the most versatile and notable digital marketing tools out there now. You can even get a high SEO ranking while including animated videos in your website.

Also, Rob Toledo who is a user engagement and bounce rate specialist at Shutterstock said the following words which prove how the conventional and animated videos both are just excellent for SEO!!

“…No longer just an interesting add-on, the video has become an important feature for anyone concerned with SEO, conversion rates, or brand recognition. That’s pretty much everyone, then…”

Want to know how does that actually happen? You can find the best deal while subscribing to any video creation tool at CouponsMonk.

Then, just have a look!

People love video guides while shopping

Yes! It is one of the most exciting perks of using animated videos in your landing pages and product pages if you are having a full-fledged online business. Who wouldn’t prefer something more realistic and lively than just a write-up and a couple of pictures? And, indeed, videos serve this purpose perfectly.

If you add a video to your product page then it can enhance your conversions by 80%. As per treepodia, video works really well irrespective of the category of the products for which it is deployed.

The following graph from them proves that the online shoppers enhanced their purchasing rate when there were specific videos incorporated within the website.

Source: Treepodia

As per the graph mentioned above, the ranking according to the order of increase in conversion rates is as follows:

  • For Gifts, it was +113%
  • For electronics, it was +101%
  • For jewelry, it was + 85%
  • For home and garden products, it was +43%
  • For personal care, it was +14%. 

Moreover, with reference to the study and graph explained above, Lee Brown, Founder and managing director of made the valuable comment that is

“…Our customers want to get a feel for what it is they’re buying. That’s where the video comes into play. With Treepodia’s video solution we’ve seen an increase in CVR of up to 88% for items featuring video…”

Also, almost 76% of businesses agree with the fact that animated videos provide a great ROI. And, if you are thinking that it would be really tough to generate some high-end animated videos all the time with the latest technologies incorporated within the same then you are completely off-base!

Yes, your videos don’t have to be perfect always rather if the content within that is good enough then it turns out to be something just outstanding!

The latest research also underpins this fact by revealing the actuality that customers are mostly put off by the videos that can’t explain the products clearly.

Animated videos: Great ranking in SERPs

Well, to rank in the Google’s first page is the utmost priority of SEO. And, Nate Elliot’s famous study which was published by Forrester in the year 2009 suggests that including animated videos on your website can be an astounding way to do so.

As per the research, it was a proven fact that pages with videos are 50x more likely to rank on the first page of Google search results.

Yes, the study might have become quite old now as it was done almost eight years ago but the point still remains the same- Google SERPs always prioritize videos!

Wondering why videos are so important for SEO? Then, you should be aware of the fact that there are many reasons behind the same but one of the biggest rationales is the Google search algorithm update which is nothing but Hummingbird. It actually prizes quality content over the optimization of keywords.

Moreover, Gareth Davies at WordTracker commented that almost 80% of the animated videos that are served in SERPs are the extremely informative ones. Also, Google’s Head of Webspam who is no one but the famous man Matt Cutts estimated that the Hummingbird update in September 2013 affected almost 90% of search queries.

This is just not the end! Want to get an overall idea about the various impacts of videos on SEO? Just take a glance over the following stupendous infographic:


So, it can be certainly said that the way of using the internet for today’s generation has changed fundamentally. And, in such a scenario, the enlightening animated videos hold quite a lot of importance with respect to SERPs!!

Showcase your personality perfectly

It is always smart to approach your potential customers from various directions so that you can entice them like never before and thus earn a great profit! And, one of the most notable ways to do that can be accentuating your personality while allowing the customers to understand your business, products, and services totally from a different perspective.

And, if it has to be done in a right way then animated videos can be a great thing to come up with in such a situation! For example, if you are someone who is leading an online store for fashion wear then you should keep a keen eye on what type of videos are trending within the specific demographic of your business.

Usually, animated videos find a great success as this offer realistic and visually appealing solution to the user’s queries which can be further used to cross-sell your products or services. For instance, if you consider Moz’s Whiteboard Friday, then you can notice that they consistently publish effective SEO video tutorials every week which help Moz to increase the number of new customers significantly.

Moreover, as per Wistia, people spend almost 2.6x more time on pages which are having videos than the ones that are without videos.

The following graph can let you get a wonderful visual proof of the same:


Lastly, I would certainly like to state that if you own an online business then just go through some potential stats. And, you will get a clear idea about how incorporating videos can lead you to attain new customers all over the year!

So, what are you waiting for? Just include some stunning animated videos in your website soon and you will see the graph of your sales and potential customers climbing the heights like never before!

Clara Decker is the free time writer and full-time internet surfer. She likes to work on making in-home life better in society. She lives like an entrepreneur to support her husband at the month ends.

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